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@EA_Illium i am trying to have a conversation by aaking a question regarding matchmaking. none of the EA advisors have even bothered to reply me. Is your warning directed to their sheer rudeness?
- 6 months ago
in fact in the seasons played by a very large number of people, I do not understand why EA did not set up the correct selection of players, this is a very important parameter of the game, and it completely breaks the gameplay, when playing for Sporting or Benfica you are constantly thrown France or Real Madrid in what the interest of such a game if all the opposing players are faster than you in every game moment. For me it is not clear why EA for such a long period of time did not fix anything, I think for them it is very simple, maybe they do not know about this problem ?
p.s I used to play UT, but every year this mode began to turn into a children's arcade, hockey scores like 8-7 or 7-6, UT mode is made so that everything flew in from different angles, it causes laughter, where one player using feints can pass half the team and score a goal) no, it is not like soccer, so I moved to the seasons online there is much less of this
- 6 months ago
@EVG_UK25 thank you for speaking up. indeed the ridiculous matchmaking continues and nobody knows why EA refuses to admit and fix itx all they do is to send a warning here asking us to mind what we say, but still ignore us! shameful
- 6 months ago
so frustrating when the developers and EA as a whole don’t listen to the community. it is not like we are asking for a lot - we just want basic features in the game to work, and are being constantly gaslit by EA. shameful company
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