SBC - please beware
Last night I chose to widen my game activity a bit due to the birthday rewards in Ultimate Team.
This was a big mistake. In SBC the game allows you to delete most of your best players without knowing you are doing this.
I eventually found my way to a human web chat this morning when I realised what had happened and they say nothing can be done. This is despite them being able to see everything that has happened including the times.
Some players could be recovered through quick sell recovery. Obviously not the ones I care about - Zidane and Maradona (I had evolved) which I logged in to obtain.
Have been playing this series of games since the 90s and almost cried this morning (have never done this over a computer game before). The game should not allow this to happen so easily. There is no way people would want to delete these players.
I am so disappointed and posting this to avoid other people having their game experience totally ruined. Hopefully EA will recognise this is a major flaw soon and rectify. Children are particularly at risk of doing this and not having a clue what is going on.
If anyone has found a way to get anything back then or can help please let me know.
I asked the advisor about a formal complaints procedure but was not given one and told to post on a forum instead.
Many thanks