Forum Discussion
I honestly think your doing a disservice to fifa 96. I had tons of fun on that it was my first ps1 game. This game saddens me. Just demoralising
- 5 months ago
just reposting in here altered a few things since the patches have indeed fixed some of them.
Having played since early release im a division 3 player so not the best but not the worst here are my thoughts
- Defending needs some work - the amount of time where a tackle should work or the ball sticks to the attackers foot is just awful and unrealistic. - still a problem
- Red Cards - Just about every slide tackle is a red card, this needs fixed as standing tackle as above just doesn't work - still a problem
- CB's when in possession of the ball move so far from each other if an opposing player is pressing heavily and obtain the ball its a simple goal for them with a through ball - this seems to be the main way to score in FC25. - this has been fixed a little but still not great
- The movement of the players is dire the AI here needs tweaked when in possession players just don't move to space favouring standing behind defenders. huge problem still as has been stated on this post multiple times
- Input Lag - I play on series x and the lag between me pressing a button and the players responding (if the correct player even responds) is way too long - fixed by turning off the input lag in settings why this is on by default i really dont know
- Attackers - don't play to the space on AI E.g. if a ball comes into your attacker rather than run towards the space the defender has vacated they run towards the ball resulting in a school yard scrum beside the ball.
- offside - players with advance forward +/++ are constantly offside due to the high press tactics having an auto offside - resulting in you being locked in your own half until the opponent makes a mistake or the ai decides to actually move one of their players incorrectly to allow you some space, more often than not your player gets bullied off the ball resulting in a turnover of possession in your own half with your defenders spread widely across the park out of position, this wont apply for chain skill players TBH as these are just OP
- Passing - so far it seems pretty random as to whether the player intended will receive the ball - needs a bit of work - this has been made worse by the reduction of accuracy of the power pass to be at a state where its just not worth using it at all. also stops quick counter attacks or using Tiki Taka players
- Finesse shot - if you have the gold skill for this its good if not its a waste of time and effort, don't bother...
- scoring outside the box very difficult this year if you don't have the power or finesse gold traits instead you have to try and work it in the box.
- Players standing offside for elongated periods of time - just why , has gotten worse since the last patch
- offside in general needs looked at its far to highly attuned my players nose being over the line shouldn't really result in an offside..
- Need to chain skill moves. this is prevalent on this game more than any other chaining skill moves should not be the preferential way to score a goal in the game any game which requires you to learn more combo's than a fighter plane cockpit reduces the fun
these have been mostly fixed except for the transfer market where bidding on players shows you winning big green tick as well only to find once it finishes loading that you were outbid. frustrating
- Not a bad concept embedding reskinned Volta into the game modes.
- Drop in matches - Just terrible the FIFA community consists of a large number of players who would rather look good than win (very rarely you get a team that pass) reduces the fun of this mode.
- The sheer number of rush games required for objectives is too high fine if your with a group of friends terrible if as above - with the special modes this has been fixed and is the best way to obtain cards.
Squad Battles
- 12 matches isn't really the golden number for this considering the amount of objectives which either rely on this or Rivals.
- RNG on the squads you get in this mode is now a problem due to the reduced number of matches available, 5-4-1 is prevalent in this game coming up against these teams will impact your final rank.
- Not sure what your trying to achieve with the current setup
- the fact you cant be relegated insures you are stuck in divisions which may not suit your skill level resulting in many losses and a lot of frustration.
- You need to award wins for players quitting the old 5-0 system worked well - instead you end up with a load of players quitting at 1-1 if they feel the flow is against them
- 0 points for a loss - this doesn't work and just results in frustration if a player finds themselves in a division which is above their skill gap then the game is punishing them for it not only by constant defeats but also by not being able to obtain rewards through this.
- Draws 1-point i get it its standard for football but in a perfect world where SBMM works then draws should be the norm i would fix this by making 4 points for a win and 2 for a draw- don't change the reward and enhanced reward totals.
Players don't really reflect their stats at all i know this has been a problem for years but some players are just broken, Mbappe, Hansen, Rashford to name a few
anyways just my thoughts im sure many will disagree.
- 5 months ago
As per usual game gets better by the 100 patch ⏳😂
- Tauntmatt5 months agoRising Veteran
I don't notice any tangible difference in the game:
* People still tackle spam even when you are nowhere near them because of quick recovery times.
* Defensive A.I. is completely insane. This guy dropped his controller and once you try to play passes into the box, you'll get 2 (sometimes 3) defenders closing you down from both sides, tackling and auto intercepting. Which in theory would be understandable if the attacking A.I. wasn't so criminally stupid which I'll get to.
* Forwards with 20 defending rarely even miss tackles which why people just control a player like Sterling or Gold Salah, drop back and defend with them. There just as competent if not better than say a Declan Rice at defending because of pace. According to EA the best metric of defense is purely pace.
* Nearly every goal is some low effort, cheesy sequence where they win the ball high, put in 1 through ball and it's a goal. There's no variety in play or anything.
* And there's no variety in play because E.A. prioritizes "Pros" over everyone else. This game is built to cater to them. If they even attempted to make proper changes to this game, they would get a barrage of complaints from them. The over reliance of tactics or emulating pro tactics, the O.P. nature of particular tactics has made this game has been become stale. & a linear experience because of this. If you're not playing 1 specific way you're going to absolutely struggle.
* Attackers move offside for no reason, can't pick up the ball with momentum, don't support passes, hide behind defenders, the only safe way to attack is to defend and play extremely quick direct passes. More often than not attacking seems to boil down to "Spam Through Ball Until 1 Flukes Through".
* Passing just seems like a roll of the dice to me as well. This game will ignore weight and direction, just the ball straight to the opposition at times. How many times have you put a lot of weight onto a pass just to have it pea roll like 5 ft perfectly to the opposition.
* Pause the game, Change formations, put in some new players, adjust the player roles.. Oh we'll give you 35 seconds to do this. And If you take too long what you've done will be nothing & you'll have to pause again and start over.
* Rivals too many games. 45 draws or 15 wins in rivals is just way too much when you take into account everything else that is going on in this game & the division a play may be in:
1. Recent Rush Objectives at least 8 wins with full bonuses, somewhere closer to 13 or 14 plus without full bonuses.
2. 14 Squad battles Games.
3. 10 Live Friendlies wins.
4. 20 Champs Games.
Who has time for all this? Why not reduce the number of rivals wins needed for players who play in champs or something? Depending on where they finish. I know it's our choice what objectives we do but let's face it when you start one you want to try and finish it.
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