What is super suspicious is how I have the incredible delay and slow players, can’t win a tackle or header for the first 1-2 games of champs qualifiers, then, when I can only lose one more game before I miss qualification, I get great gameplay for 3 games and win all 3.
same thing in the weekend champs. I basically get two games off, two games on, or one good one bad so that I only win max 8-9 games. Been that way all year.
last year was the same. If I won 4-5 straight with good gameplay, I was for sure going to see the next 4-5 games be horrendous. I feel like the matchmaking system or whatever they call it is just a mask for putting certain games on good connections and limiting your amount of wins.
I would be completely OK with knowing I’m a “10 win player” or “12 win player” of last year, if the games I lost I felt I had a chance. 80% of the games I lose in champs though I can tell in the first 30 seconds it’s a bad game.
usual symptoms are the AI going whack, opponents uncontrolled defenders are smothering attackers, and your passes aren’t going where you aim.
the easiest way to know usually is if your opponents defense has every pass covered at kickoff or your players don’t move offensively after kickoff. Usually a tell tale sign you’re screwed.