Need help with rewards.
Hi so I just recently completed the season 5 pass by getting to level 40. I was level 38 at the time and finished the weekly play with weekly objectives to claim 2k XP which took me to level 40…. Feeling happy, because I wanted the icon pick but it didn’t go as planned. When I reached 40 I clicked on the level 39 reward just so I could claim the pack which was the 85x10 so I was spamming X to claim the pack when all of a sudden it also gave me the option of level 40 and automatically chose firmino… I didn’t even get to see the other 2 options it just gave me firmino with one tap of X without me clicking on the level 40 reward and letting me confirm if I even wanted firmino.
I can’t upload a video but the screenshots are taken from what happened. Please let me know if I can sort this or if this stupid game is actually stupid
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