Banned for packing then selling Mbappe.
packed and sold Mbappe and make 5.5 mil coins then my account got banned. i get auto bans happen when people make a lot of coins but i have requested to be unbanned and ea help says it can take 7/14 days to get looked at. for somone like me where is a obvious error and it will get overturned having to wait that long is unfair needless puishment. i have screen grabs of me packing and sellin my mbappe is there a way a community manager and just escalte this so i can go back to playing the game please. i hope anyone reading this can understand how infuriating getting mistakenly banned for coin selling is because you pack the best player on the game and then have to wait week to get it sorted and by that time i will probably quit as getting punished missing out on 100s of packs from rewards in the first 2 weeks of the game being out. if anyone can fast track this or i help i will be so greatfull.
We cannot assist with bans directly here on AHQ.
If you feel you have been incorrectly banned, you can dispute any action against your EA account by following the steps in this article: