Controller does not work during division rival
Playing fc25 and tried a few different games modes clubs, rush, moments. I attempted to play div rivals now I have a team and the controller does not work I can use it to pause the game but that’s it. Only just purchased and feel like I can’t even use the thing I wanted it for.
tried changing controllers checking if it was the connection updated drivers restarted time and time again
purchased through epic and like I said other game modes work just not division rivals
I play on a fairly decent laptop so I can’t see why it’s not working other than the game bug
ppleasee help as I bought preorder and now can’t even play it
Yes lad. I changed my fps and hz to 60, then you have to close it fully down including ea app and open it through epic games and let it connect to the ea from there. if you open the game through ea it won’t work. After this I changed the settings back to desired for me 120fps is fine.
side note to know if it’s done it without going into a rivals game you should be able to see in the bottom right when you get any packs or open anything it will say press A or enter to continue, which before was saying just press enter/ press A.
hope this helps