3 months ago
Fc Hub
When i get a reward in Fc Hub and i click in the bundle rewards it doesn't give me the reward i want and keeps on giving me a different one
When i get a reward in Fc Hub and i click in the bundle rewards it doesn't give me the reward i want and keeps on giving me a different one
Hey, @FireErmine117, Could you please let me know which platform you are playing on? Which level's reward caused the issue exactly? Did it occur within the game?
Hello thank you for responding, The platform is ps5 fc25 standard edition. The level reward that caused the issue was the Bundled reward because it would give me the wrong reward I clicked on. Like when I clicked on the 70,000 coin instead it gave me the 82x2 pack and yes it did occur within the game.
I haven't seen any similar reports about the bundle rewards, and I haven't noticed anything unusual myself. It’s difficult for us to verify which reward has been chosen. Could you please record a video next time you open the reward? This video should show which reward you select and what is ultimately granted to your account. Thank you!
How can I show you a video
You can post a link to YouTube if the file size is too large for the forum. Thanks
I literally just got this issue, few times actually, next time I will definitely record it.
I'm on PC and all it does is to give you the wrong reward - instead of the one I chose. There must be a way to track what I chose so they don't think I'm just regretting my choices. LMKI if we can fix this or something