Garbage game !!!
Is this guy for real??? Anyway!
The game is horrible, unplayable! Why ? Because is full of script , delays , bugs , glitches! I finish Maradona Evo , (free evolution) and trying to buy the next evolution, the one with 500000 fc coins , but of course EA SCRIPTED GAME doesn’t allow me to get it. I contacted EA support, of course they can’t solve this problem, why? Because they don’t know how , then my question to EA , is this game scripted? YES it is . Shame , big shame EA , we pay money to play your garbage, and you cannot even solve one problem , I’m not gonna say many more problems is to much for you to be solved, like game play slow down during the match , players freeze, or glitches. Shame , shame , shame . I contacted EA in the last month 100 times , and guess what, they didn’t fix anything! Guys don’t buy this garbage anymore! Garbage, garbage, garbage!