Forum Discussion

Kavcic123's avatar
Rising Novice
2 months ago

Playing against a cheater...again

For the 2nd time in 2 weeks i played against a cheater in EA FC 25 Ultimate team in Champions.

What happened is that i could not control my players and even CPU AI moving players at the time did not move. And opponents squad was really bad.

Both times i provided video evidence, reported the players and my cases were just closed. They did not inform me if they did anything, and afcourse nothing was done with me getting worse rewards. Seems EA just does not care and supports cheaters.

Is here anyone who could help me with it?

6 Replies

  • just happened to me AGAIN, its every single week.

    Not only do EA not do anything, they also dont want people "shaming" the cheaters, like they dont even want people talking about it yet it ruins peoples weekend games.

    I find it mental every other game can add really good anti cheat methods and prevent cheats and even dont mind people naming and shaming and spreading the word to get rid of these rats, yet EA do everything the opposite and even worse do nothing to fix the  issue on top of all the millions they take off loyal fans every year.

  • Kavcic123's avatar
    Rising Novice
    2 months ago

    And their customer service is pure trash. You get some Indian guy telling you they have dedicated team to prevent such things and that they will investigate and then he apologizes to you, but nothing gets done. They just close the case after few hours and do **bleep** all. Disgusting pieces of **bleep**.

  • TheRam78's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    31 days ago

    Same for me in Fut Champs, this weekend was extra bad, 3 hackers/cheaters together with awful gameplay the other matches. It's also so clearly to see as well, all players 3 to 100 times as fast, your player spin on the same spot, no ai, their team are **bleep** (often full of bronze/gold players). Also green time cheats, stats boost cheats, now its like 20-30% of matcher are against cheaters. And yes they are on all platforms!

    I'm about to give up, only reason I am still playing are the time and effort, as well as good community that have the same problem so we can at least know it's happening to everyone. Still aspect of the game I enjoy, but Fut Champ is kind of the most interesting thing about improving your gameplay skills.  I was out for 6 years (played a little casually, but then you don't notice or care) and came back to this. I now understand why people are fleeing this game, EA don't care about any of us or to make a good gameplay, only about you going to the store. 

    Still hoping things will change and EA actually start caring about their gamers! 

  • keyer21's avatar
    New Novice
    26 days ago

    I played agains an cheater in FC, he decreased my players stats by 23, which he admitted after the game. I reported him and he didn't get banned. The game is not playable. Every weekend league there is at least 1 cheater

  • Yeah, clearly revenue need to drop even futher before this company starts to do stuff for there customers. How hard can it be to just build an ingame report button for online cheaters. 

  • pesteportugal's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    26 days ago

    Same just happened to me. No point in playing it reporting since nothing happens. February and EA does nothing about this... Clear signs that they don't care

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