Can't sell ranked up player although low ranked card has buyer with high price
Product: EA SPORTS FC Mobile
What's your device's make and model? Oneplus
What's your device's firmware? Android
What is your game version? Fc25
In what game mode did the bug occur? Store
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What happens when the bug occurs? Can't sell player even if buyers are ready to pay high for low ranked card
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 11.00 AM
When you are going to fix this issue for us, our max ranked players are not getting sold for so many months where there are buyers available for rank 1 player with much more higher price. There are lot of users who don't know how to use the market, either provide some update to fix this issues, start closing transaction for buyers by giving them our higher ranked players if they match our value or just simply give us option to downgrade our players to any level so that we can sell to the buyer. Do something to fix this as this is so frustrating.
#market #trading #buyplayer #sellplayer #rankup #rankdown #transfer
- @Killer431996 It’s supply and demand - prices will eventually come down to the point where there is demand