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Fc Advanced Lesson quest is bugged
I've logged into ea fc for more than a month now and yet the game hasn't allowed me to compete this quest. I can see that the quest is completed with a glitched few frames every time I open quests but it won't allow me to press complete it and move onto fc achievements and other quests. I see as well that others are experiencing this issue. EA please helppa2ue11bcxpb5 hours agoNewcomer6Views0likes0Comments- 8moult5x09ca9 hours agoNew Novice21Views0likes3Comments
- Hkyrie11 hours agoNewcomer5Views0likes0Comments
Not getting rewards
Today I logged in to game at morning and still I didn't receive the gems that we get in every week for league ranks my league was 4 in world class according to it I should receive 5700 gems but I didn't receive it and my league members got the gems so please fix the issuey840k0i1poej17 hours agoNewcomer17Views0likes1CommentFC Mobile 2 days login, advance lesson not completed
So many people already got this bug, i think the issues because ea not change the system of how daily login now work. Back then, the daily login not like how it looks today that today we got many gems every 1,2,5,10 days login. Before that update, the daily login is just a plain daily login and i think how they register the login are different then before. That's my opinion, but ea should've done it before so many new people got this one. Pls somebody help.DLRENT17 hours agoNewcomer10Views0likes0Comments- wy55n6suckt117 hours agoNewcomer5Views0likes0Comments
Not getting gems as reward of weekly league ranks
My league in this week was 4 in world class my friends in the league got gems as usual but I didn't receive message from ea on inbox and I didn't receive the gems and I got my league points only other than that I didn't receive any gems and other stuff for play in tournament and league for this week so kindly send me the gemsy840k0i1poej19 hours agoNewcomer10Views0likes0Commentsleague token bug
Hi today i logged in into my account and i did not get my league tokens can you guys pls fix these problem asapHSLumpy19 hours agoRising Newcomer13Views0likes1CommentLeague Token Bug
Today when i login to my account i thought i will get the league token because i was at 9 rank of my league of 69 lvl but surprisingly i didn't get any token and my activity point dropped to 0 how in the World this happenedSolveditsdarkbarrowhol22 hours agoRising Newcomer36Views1like3Comments- s81rjeqgjuxp23 hours agoNewcomer16Views0likes1Comment