Dear EA
I've played the mobile part since FIFA 14 and this is the worst the game has ever been
Events are terrible, boring and all you get is untradable players.
The game is full of cheaters, we report them and nothing happens. I guess someone winning 6-0 with 0 shots in normal to you.
The fouling in the game is a joke, especially against the AI
You've ruined the Top Picks which used to be an excellent feature
Everything is untradable which we don't want
The ranking system needs changing.
Last season the TOTS & Euro events were really good but every event has been terrible ever since
The AI has become too hard
Players don't jump for corners ( attacking)
You keep saying you are listening to the community but it's clear you aren't
Bring back the events were we can grind for several tradable players. Make them so we can grind everyday
Make the AI a bit easier
Stop giving out so many untradable players
Make the Top Picks back to how they originally were
Please show you actually care and really do listen to what people are saying
Please ban cheaters