@EA_rephii The game itself is fine. But...
1. Pay-to-win gaming is as dumb as buying yourself a first place trophy from the trophy shop and feeling pride about being first place. For now gaming companies are reaping huge profits though, so I guess it's not their fault.
2. Although the game is fine, I can't make a team of players and/or skills that have any meaning to me. Might as well have a team full of anonymous players and abandon any idea of implementing a strategy of your own. I would be content to play at a lower level and pay reasonable charges if I had a team of players I liked.
3. As the game goes on, I am already aware that we will have less opportunity to maintain a team of players that build towards our strategy and/or build towards a collection of players to whom we are actually a fan as the path to maximum mining of whale-spenders requires the continued obsolescence of the team we could theoretically love to have built by either spending or grinding.
For these reasons I have uninstalled the game and after many years sadly come to the realization that mobile gaming is dead to me.
Good luck and best wishes to all.