Passing - it's so slow and inaccurate. Often passes go to no one at all. Long goal kicks ALWAYS go to the opposition without fail.
Defending - it's pretty non-existent. My players just run along side the attackers then when they try and tackle, the opponent just runs past. My players go for a tackle then just stumble.
Standing tackles are trash, they barely do anything. I do a standing tackle and the opponent immediately gets the ball back. Standing tackles are ineffective.
Defending while chasing. There's no point, it doesn't work. The opponent gets the ball and suddenly they have superspeed and can outrun everyone. You'd think dribbling a ball would make a player slower but no, the A.I just gets faster and I can't catch them no matter my player ratings or attributes. A.I skill moves are just overpowered, they do a skill move and that's it, they're already passed you.
Swipe to shoot. You guys broke it. It doesn't work. You can swipe for a feather light shot on the ground. You can swipe for a high power shot that goes over the cross bar and that's it. There is nothing in between that. Just high power or no power. Nothing else. It's totally broken.