@lzu5ar4j0kjk Because for a very short time, as part of an event, there was a pack that contained low value CSL players … some people put them on the market, others used them for training … within a week or two they will be completely gone from the game.
It is no different to the start of the season when every team was filled with bronze players including some that were less than 60 OVR … over the next month the less than 60 OVR players dissapared as they were neither in packs nor available on the market as players used them for training.
As I have said, I have asked the EA team about having all bronze players in packs as I can’t fill my Adelaide United team, but at this stage there is no plan to change the bronze packs to include any of the sub 60 OVR players.
(As for using sub 60 OVR players in game - you can compete some player vs AI matches with such a low ranked team, but player vs player is impossible as are higher ranked AI matches … but if you want that much of a challenge, then good luck to you)