Winter Wonders - “Rewards” section problem
Hi there!
Gift box number four (1st of 2nd week) is not opening -locked- even though I already cleared the whole Gift Boxes (9 small boxes) and obviously having finished/opened the first three of week one.
It is indeed the fifth time I have cleared the whole Gift Box, because the fourth happened just two days ago, being still in first week (I realized later it’s just 3 Gift boxes per week).
Thus, I don’t know if the problem could be related to the number of times the whole Gitf box has been cleared but the fact is the fourth box -first of this week- is still locked after having cleared today the Gift Box (9 small boxes) -everything after reset-.
Any idea on how to proceed?? (right now already 900 tokens “wasted” -not the boxes but getting difficult to reach the 102-105 milestone)
thanks in advance for your time&help.
kind regards!
I finished it the first day of second week -when found the problem-.
Magically (and fortunately) the third day somehow it worked again and could open the gift box. It´s working since then.thanks again for your help as always!
happy new year! 🙂