2 years ago
Low FPS on PC
Hey.. come on man.. the game runs extremely bad on follwing hardware: CPU: R5 5600X GPU: RTX 3060Ti SSD RAM: 16GB DDR4 RAM I've put my settings on low with dynamic res on and the games ru...
Platform: PC
PSN ID/Xbox GT: Alphanaconda
Region: United States East/North East, New Jersey
Are you getting an error message? No
Does this happen in a specific mode? No, it always happens
Is anything else happening? In gameplay, the frames are super low so its buggy and glitching, like playing with slow-mo, also there is skipping
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue: Ive restarted my computer, played the game with nothing else open, installed drivers, changed Madden settings
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers)
Same problem here. One of my friend have the same problem too. Seems to have some posts here that have the same issue.
The game seems poorly optimized for pc. I hope it can be fixed. It probably will but, but we need to tell them haha.
I can catch up to 120 fps but it's super unstable.
I tried different settings. I capped the fps to 60 in graphics settings,.It's slightly better, but lags happen anyway but a tiny bit less.
My hardware is clearly not the problem. I'm way above the recommended specs.