2 years ago
Madden 24 Freezing on PC
Any time I try to play Madden 24 on PC to load into any game it freezes or I maybe get to kick off and then it freezes and I physically cannot play this game. This is an issue that many people have b...
Product: Madden NFL 24
Which console generation do you have? Sony PlayStation 5
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? TheNuke89
Date/time issue occurred 8/15/2023
What type of issue do you have? Crash/Freeze
Which mode has this happened in? Ultimate Team
Which part of the mode? Solo Challenges
Summarize your bug so, for the which mode, its EVERYTHING, and which part of the mode is also EVERYTHING. Every time i load up my game, all is well. I can go into menus, do all that stuff etc. HOWEVER, every time i try loading into a mut challenge, MUT draft, practice, normal just single player offline, my game will just freeze on the loading screen, and not move. The audio cuts out, and the application runs as long as it wants on that scren until I manually close it from tast manager. I have tried SOOO many trouble shooting options. Clean booting, setting priority high, playing on potatoe graphics, turning off antivirus, restarting PC, REinstalling the game (3 times) and nothing works. I have also done all possible updates on my drivers and windows. Have also ran as admin, turned off overlays etc. I paid 120 bucks for a game so i can play early. and ACTUALLY play MUT, but it doesnt even work. Ive spent 108 minutes on the game and 0 of that has been actual gameplay smh. I am on windows 10 and A PC using EA play to launch the game, but i got it through steam
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Im not sure, It just happens for me, and happened in madden 21 too.
What happens when the bug occurs? The game just freezes on a loadng screen. Doesnt do anything else
What do you expect to see? a game to play. Not a black loading screen
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here.
What is the AMD or Nvidia Model Number of your graphics card? GTX 1660
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16
This sucks not beng able to play
OS: Win10
Processor (AMD): AMD Ryzen 5 1600
Processor (Intel): Intel Core i5 6700k*(4-cores; 8-threads)
Memory: 10GB RAM
Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon RX 570
Graphics card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
DirectX: DX12
Online Connection Requirements: Broadband
Hard-drive space: 50GB
im having the same problem when i talked to ea help they tried all these things with me and none of them helped i am way above the min requirements but every time i try and load a match no matter the game mode it freezes i paid extra to get this game early and to be able to play it early but now i just have to sit and wait might as well have bought the normal edition cause im not getting the use out of the extra money i spent
Same bro Same.. and they cant say its the hardware because im also way above the recommended system requirements. it freezes sometimes when loading, sometimes in the main menu but mostly it freezes right before i try to take the first snap. i havent played a single down of madden 24 yet lol its so bad. no other games do this so there really is no valid excess and i bought the deluxe version in order to play the game early.. after all these supposed hrs of gameplay i havent played a single snap. pitiful. if they dont fix this by tomorrow then im going to have to give it the lowest review possible because thats what it deserves.
Hi Barry, thanks for the reply, but I’ve already tried all of these solutions, and none are working. I’ve updated my directx12, all my windows stuff, graphics drivers, you name it, I’ve done it. Is there ANYTHING else that I can MAYBEEE do that would help??
@EA_Barry The game doesn't work on PC, it's impossibly laggy, when are you fixing it?
I’m having this same issue, my pc should easily run this game with no problems but i freeze once i go to load into any game. this needs to be fixed ASAP and it isn’t i’m going to have to get a refund on this game.
Same issue... The game freezes up at every load screen. completely unplayable.
I was having an issue with bad fps make sure your game is running in full screen and not borderless Windows that fix my issue with my Nvidia RTX 3070Ti. Not sure if this helps with AMD cards.
has any1 had any success fixing this i still haven't found anything and its getting super annoying
I been having this issue all day today and last night
same here. its been doing me the same even in the trial. glad i didnt purchase it smh
Having the exact same problem and now I can't even refund because I'm already over 2 hours of game time just from trouble shooting. Still haven't even been able to play a single snap yet I get a couple minutes in the menus just fine then it just freezes.
yeah even on 730 30 fps low settings you crash, which means game is just optimize wrong for pc at least. which is crazy when you have a pc that should be able to blow away that and run it for weeks!
yes they need to fix this like now man! Ive delt with this yesterday and now today and I am seriously thinking about just asking for a refund if I dont see a change soon
been having this problem and now i cant even launch the game and support is no good they just copy and paste the same message and say that they send the bug report over