2 years ago
Madden 24 Freezing on PC
Any time I try to play Madden 24 on PC to load into any game it freezes or I maybe get to kick off and then it freezes and I physically cannot play this game. This is an issue that many people have b...
@nike23osuI'm talking about crashing not fps, my fps even with my mid grade pc is fine. I'm just curious why a bunch of pcs over 3 thousand dollars are crashing. Even ones with the better I9 than your 5090 XD. But you could have maybe answered the problem right here. Madden didn't optimize it for intel cpus? idk that would be dumb. In your you tube video you don't show cpu usage my guy. Just shows you playing in 4k. Anyone could do that. I'm bit confused why you shared those I am missing something or you just flexing top 3 best pc set up? Tho weird flex cuz it's not i9
Anyways, point is.... pc people most of them... better or worst pcs than yours. which hard to do better you need the i9, still crash, and all ea says is reboot or check system files. But the main point is all these PCs over shoot the specs and crash. For example the best pc i9 4090 crashes. That is way over the limit. My 2060 i7 crashes, Not way over the limit but plenty to play this game. Also to note crashes the same in 4k 144 fps low, and 720 30 fps low.
Hope they fix this because madden 23 is well optimized... Well i could be wrong I never check how much cpu it was dragging but i was playing in like over 60 fps in 4k. I just know the game demands higher cpu than gpu.... what is weird is my gpu is running the same % almost... unless your playing in 8k
So again the other guy in the comment section i can see why he maybe crashes with lower specs, but why other people with well working pcs with over powered specs crash. For me it's every 4 hours at least. I also never ran into a game that freezes my pc, and it's not even getting warmed up
@Thirdcoast-Bobby and my only point was to say, this is like my 4th year doing the same thing. I want to see your rig working nicely on Madden first, before I upgrade. Otherwise, I have lots more games to play. Madden23 was trash when it first came out too and they have done a good job getting it right.
@Eventualcrowd16so you crashed on madden 23 when it came out then it got better? I bought madden 23 later in the year on sale was waiting for crossplay. I know 24 is more demanding and next gen but my specs are good enough and my pc is healthy. I would upgrade to at least a 3060 3070 good i7 or good ryzen 7 If i were you, that would last another 4 years at least. I'm waiting for the next gpu to come out that beats 4090 and i will likely get that i9 KS with it. Or whatever processor is best at that time
I literally had to overclock my cpu to 5.4ghz to get it to work for a little bit, but very unstable
Aye i got a gtx 1650 i5-11400H core gaming laptop with 16gb ram do you think this is good enough to run madden
@Putemonhisbackwith madden being the most heavy cpu game out there right now for no reason, yeah no you can't, but if they fix it idk, laptops get hot and don't have that power. Close call but as of right now no your pc would crash less than a couple hours. But I bet you can play gta 5 which even with it's age has heavy cpu usage compared to games like madden. Best thing you can do is complain and maybe they will opt it better for pcs. So our cpus don't spaz out for such a small game
Yea i been tweakin everything to get it to run right i can still play but its slow and annoying tho. All good tho they will probably fix it, but i need a pc anyway so im thinking of hust playing how it is till they fix it or i get another pc. The game is actually fun to which make it more frustrating. And i can run gta all day i use to do a idle glitch in gta and my laptop would be fine. But honestly im thinking about buyin a p5
@PutemonhisbackIdk how your money is but new gaming pc is always the way to go, but if all your titles are on ps5 and you only have 400$, can't go wrong there. Some games for some reason like to opt better for consoles as well for example madden, even huge titles like elden ring sometimes do better on console even if the pc is better. If you have the money buy a 4070 ti, best bang for buck right now, Not sure what the best bang for buck is on next gen cpus. Prob a ryzen 7, If you have extra money get a 4070 ti with i9 k or the gpu right below it the ryzen 9. 4070 ti is a badass cpu for it's price why i recommend it even tho i plan to buy the 4090 or whatever is next. But i like spending money on pcs lol
Honestly the games i like playing are like madden fortnite and im trynna get that spider man So honestly im thinking about get a ps5 i been wanted on, but when madden released on pc i decided to get it on it. But if they optimize or if something happens where i can play it on my laptop ill be fine
@Putemonhisbackword, Yeah I used to be console player but since I went pc never going back lol, way more game and cooler stuff you can do. Also the community on PCs are less toxic. But I understand 400$ gaming console that is more mobile is easier to buy. I would say depends how much you spend your time gaming also and your wallet. I'm actually getting a ps5 one day just for the mobility... but i might just buy a over priced laptop instead idk lol
Yea i mean i play madden quite a bit but i mean thats really it and Fortnite, but is your pc messing up while on madden to?
@ProdigiousDemonAlready tried all that and then some lol!! Game is new and buggy as [removed] is all. Hope they fix
and yes it is very heavy on the cpu for no reason.
(cm edit - removed language)
I pulled up my task manager and its using up to 78% of my cpu and only like 40-50% in my Gpu but i have gpu acceleration on. Idk it’s weird, maybe a patch comes out that foxes it
Context matters, XD I have developed games and been coding since 2007 my guy. I just never played EVERY game on pc like I am now. I guess I should have said I used to game on both but went full pc. Is that better?
in 2015 I started investing more on pcs that can handle all games also i develop custom maps and work on fivem servers so had to upgrade, I always had consoles and pcs.. I been playing pc games since 1999 son lmao built my first pc in 08
If a illiterate can do gui coding lua coding jass coding java as well. I've developed a fivem server that actually works and has people on there since 2019. Several wc3 maps couple starcraft maps. Both have people playing them today. So yeah I gave up console gaming doesn't mean I'm new to PC LOL several games were not playable on pc. GTA5 cheaters red dead cheaters plus no madden. And I had friends on console that didn't have pc and family.
Go rage some where else and push false narratives... Also your just mad because I proved that madden is heavier cpu game than every other game out right now which doesn't make sense...
Also you lied, you said your cpu was around 30% but was really around 64% which is my high on a way more heavier game than madden... basic common sense to realize this game needs some work for pcs. Now your likely mad about the intel thing even tho I'm not intel vs amd guy I'm just pointing out the best processor that isn't a thread ripper.
Also those benchmarks earlier about cpu usage forget to mention those were just highs. the averages were also lower than madden by like 15%. Don't get your feelings hurt unless your the developer of this game and your to lazy to fix.... now run along lmao "illiterate" Numbers speak in the end of the day.... and results
This happens with a lot of games when they released to be badly optimized. If you knew about pc gaming you would know this. Or if you had common sense. Several games set gpus on fire for example then down the line they fix the problem.. Also just curious why do you think madden working fine even pushing your cpu that high on a smaller game?
Telling people to dust or clean pc get better cooling, when they already played on triple A titles that should be 5x more demanding than madden. Elaborate why Madden should be the highest cpu game out.
os reboot clean your dust lmao sounds like a dev trying to hide his mistakes but your not a dev so curious why you are even here defending that madden plays fine when in reality numbers show otherwise... Or was it that i caught you on a flex and I ended up being right?
@PutemonhisbackYeah these type of games are not hard on the cpu or shouldn't be compared to others. Good news is the gpu is doing good on this game, bad news cpu is treating it like it's the biggest most hardcore game ever. When really it's 22 players with some crappy fans in the backround. Bunch of people have the freezing issue right now over the specs for the game. Also some people having issue with the anti cheat even with everything off even firewall ect
@Thirdcoast-Bobby wrote:Context matters, XD I have developed games and been coding since 2007 my guy. I just never played EVERY game on pc like I am now. I guess I should have said I used to game on both but went full pc. Is that better?
Classic lol, everyone turns into a coder/engineer when they have no idea what they are talking about...i been doing this since amega days bub, im not wasting my breath on a troll anymore
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bruh get off me now your hating that i spit some facts. At least I can show proof of my development, I mean it is part of my income lol!!
Okay yeah saying madden is freezing mine and others pc is trolling? Go be angry somewhere else lol
@Thirdcoast-Bobby wrote:bruh get off me now your hating that i spit some facts. At least I can show proof of my development, I mean it is part of my income lol!!
Okay yeah saying madden is freezing mine and others pc is trolling? Go be angry somewhere else lol
False facts, and it averaged 40%...you didnt prove anything...my game works meanwhile your pc reboots, but your a dev and engineer and you dont understand concept of pc...yes your trolling and trying to in other threads as well, should be able to block individuals on here tbh lol, i got nothing more to say so enjoy your busted pc you dont know how to fix.
still multiple people complaining its frying their pc harder then any game out there... just saying
@EA_Darko any word on this?