Forum Discussion
PSN ID/Xbox GT: playon15
Region: NA
Are you getting an error message?: "Your previous game is still being processed by the EA Servers. youre estimated processing time is less than 1 minute. To refresh please exit and enter the event again.
Is this happening in a specific game mode? : Mut Squads
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)? : 8/17/23 and still happening as of 10 PM on 8/19/23
Is anything else happening? : nope every other gamemode works perfectly
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue: Ive tried reinstalling the game, multiple restarts, and a custom DNS server to possibly bypass
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers)
Platform: PS5
PSN ID/Xbox GT: Chase805641
Region: USA/ North America
Are you getting an error message?: "Your previous game is still being processed by the EA Servers. youre estimated processing time is less than 1 minute. To refresh please exit and enter the event again.
Is this happening in a specific game mode? : H2H Seasons
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)? : 8/19/23 5pm and still isn’t working.
Is anything else happening? : Every other game mode works besides this one.
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue: Every solution for ps5 given I have tried but none of them worked. This included restarting, uninstalling, etc.
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers)
- 2 years ago
This is happening to me as well. I can play everything but regular season because it still keeps saying processing previous game
- EA_Shepard2 years ago
Community Manager
Hey All,
We are seeing more reports of this specific error. Can you please let us know which specific mode(s) you are receiving this error in? We want to get as much info from you as we can so that we can let the team know which modes are still having the same errors.
Console Generation
Gamertag/EA ID/Steam ID
Main game Mode
Sub Mode if applicable
Specific error(s)
Date and time you last received the error
- 2 years ago
Squads Regular Season.
8/24 at 12:30 pm Central
It keeps saying your previous game is still being processed but gave me the rewards for the game. Was in the middle of a game when the servers went down and have been getting the same message since.
- 2 years ago
I’m getting seriously pissed off I can not play H2H regular seasons it will not let me play same * message every time can you madden support people please fix this bc I spent way to much money on this game already to not be able to play like please fix your game I’ve deleted it and redownloaded it I’ve reset my ps5 and rebuilt the data base idk what else to do fix your game or give me all my money back bc this is stupid like I just wanna play your game idk why I can’t play and it sucks so either fix it or refund me all my money
- 2 years ago
The same is happening to me rn, how’d you fix it?
- 2 years ago
Your previous game is still being processed by the EA Servers. youre estimated processing time is less than 1 minute. To refresh please exit and enter the event again.
Its still like this and been like this for 3 days so far I can’t play online in any mode on MUT and it is interfering with my progress I’m on PS5 does anyone have any solutions I even deleted the game and reinstalled
im trying to provide a picture of the attention message but it says file is too large please help
- 2 years ago
Ya I believe you. My guess is that it resets next week but for the remainder of this week we can't play MUT Champs
- 2 years ago
is there anyway to fix this?
- 2 years ago
did you ever figure it out i’ve been stuck on the same exact thing pls help
- 2 years ago@imnokd Same here man this is just ridiculous there is no way I dropped 100 on this game for me not being able to even play it. It’s just crazy
- 2 years ago@yourmother654 spent already almost 400 on this game and it happens to me this is ridiculous ppl have said it took them days to fix and it did it by itself EA sucks
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