Forum Discussion
Product: Madden NFL 24
Platform:Xbox Series X
Which console generation do you have? Microsoft Xbox Series X
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? NexusJD
Date/time issue occurred 8/15/23 11-12 pm
What type of issue do you have? Crash/Freeze
Which mode has this happened in? Online head to head
Summarize your bug It’s an issue that has been in the game since last year (Madden 23)… I or my friends try to play a game in MUT, Franchise, H2H and @ any point in the game it will stutter freeze and then send us to the Xbox dashboard. I have done all the steps provided by EA support, Xbox Support, even other sources and not a single one has a fix for it. It is on the development team to get a patch for this because if this is gonna continue a lot of people will not play this game because it is a game issue for the whole Madden community… PLSSSSS REPORT THIS TO THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM WE ARE TRYING TO ACTUALLY GIVE THIS MADDEN ITS FINAL SHOT FOR REDEMPTION
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? IDK but it has to do with optimization more than likely bc it does it in every mode
What happens when the bug occurs? Stutters, Freezes whole screen, then crashes to the Xbox dashboard
What do you expect to see? A fix and communication about it being fixed and what caused it
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here. -
What is the AMD or Nvidia Model Number of your graphics card? -
Enter RAM memory size in GB -
[Requesting Information]
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for letting us know what you are running into with Madden 24, If you are still seeing the game crash on Series X|S try the following steps:
- Quit the game and other running apps from Quick Resume (For Series X|S consoles)
- Play from the Console internal SSD versus an external drive
- Remove any connected device, or additional USB's from the console then restart the Xbox and check
- Check for updates
- Try the steps in our Connection and Advance Connection Guides
- Open you're Xbox NAT Type
- Change DNS settings (You can use the public google DNS primary:, secondary:, unless there is a different DNS you would rather use)
- Persistent Storage
- Go to settings > Select Device & Connections > Then Blue-Ray
- Select Persistent Storage > Clear Persistent Storage
- Alternate Mac:
- Go to settings > Select General > Then Network settings
- Go to advanced settings > Alternate Mac address > Select clear
- Select restart
If you continue seeing crashes please let us know the following if you have not.
Are you getting an error message?
Does this happen in a specific game mode or on a specific screen?
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)?
Is anything else happening?
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue:
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers)
Hey Madden Community!
If you are running into crashing on a Series X can you let us know which Graphics mode you have Madden NFL 24 set to, and if switching the graphics option prevents this from happening?
- 2 years ago
I have already done all those and other options given since last year and nothing works we just need an update patch for it
- 2 years ago@JDL62902 yea foreal because this is sad !!!
- 2 years ago
It’s October 28th and it’s still happening what do they spend all this money on come on EA
- 2 years ago
Well according to EA it’s Xbox’s fault. Always passing the blame. How do I get my money back? Can someone with EA actually respond? I’d love to have my $70 back to play a game that works.
- 2 years ago
y’all are so bad at support
- 2 years ago
I’ve done this for 3 years but I’m gonna give you a chance once again to fix this
Platform: Xbox Series X
Region: US
Are you getting an error message? NO
Does this happen in a specific game mode or on a specific screen? RANDOMLY ANY MODE
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)?
Is anything else happening? SINCE MADDEN 24 HAS RELEASED
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue: ALL THE STEPS YOU HAVE PROVIDED OVER THE LAST 3 YEARS
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers) THERE IS NO NEED FOR A CLIP THE GAME LAGS FOR A SECOND FREEZES AND CRASHES TO DASHBOARD
- 2 years ago
Bucin and Everyone else having this issue
Just wondering where did you get your Xbox series x from?
I got mine from best buy through a loan program which you paid per month until paid off it was bundled with 2 years of Xbox ultimate. The reason I ask is I had this issue with MLB The Show for 2 years this year was the first I could play it for the Xbox series x version..
EA your code is where the logo tries to load the game or mode it spins 1 time and freezes for 10 to 15 seconds before crashing you back to Xbox dashboard. The loading into the mode/game is where you need to start your investigation.
- 2 years ago
This is the first year ive experienced this with madden and my mood is ruined! I have also had the same issue with mlb the show im going to try and buy the hard copy of the game on friday and see if that helps i have never not played madden and might switch to playstaion after this bs
- 2 years ago
EA please stop saying this is the consumers fault. There is something wrong with the game that is being copy/pasted into each one.
- 2 years ago
This replay is how you know they don’t care about customers or any problems your having 😂
- 2 years ago
Same answer for past 3 years is kind of sad if you try this please dont waste your time and request your refund asap!
- EA_Illium2 years ago
Community Manager
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for letting us know what you're running across with Madden 24!
If you are still seeing crashing with Madden 24 on the Series X|S, first try going through the following:
Spoiler- Quit the game and other running apps from Quick Resume (For Series X|S consoles)
- Remove any connected device, or additional USB's from the console then restart the Xbox and check
- Check for updates
- Try the steps in our Connection and Advance Connection Guides
- Open you're Xbox NAT Type
- Change DNS settings (You can use the public google DNS primary:, secondary:, unless there is a different DNS you would rather use)
- Persistent Storage
- Go to settings > Select Device & Connections > Then Blue-Ray
- Select Persistent Storage > Clear Persistent Storage
- Alternate Mac:
- Go to settings > Select General > Then Network settings
- Go to advanced settings > Alternate Mac address > Select clear
- Select restart
If crashing continues, please let us know the following if you have not so far:
Platform(X or S):
Are you getting an error message?
Does this happen in a specific mode?
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)?
Is anything else happening?
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue:
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers)
- 2 years ago
are you serious?
- 2 years ago
This has been an issue since the first Xbox Series X game, Madden 21. Please stop insulting people that paid money for these games and come up with a resolution. It is the deep programming of the game that we as consumers cannot change.
- 2 years ago
This is ridiculous that we have to continue dealing with this issue. I've been dealing with this stupid issue since last year. I just bought madden 24 tried playing 2 matches and each time it crashed and my Xbox turned off completely. It's insane to think we pay y'all and this still hasn't been fixed. First match it was on performance second time on quality so it doesn't matter what setting we put it on. Last year I got told it was an overheating issue. Which makes no sense that I can play COD for hours and not 1 problem with overheating. Madden 5 mins into my H2H match it crashes. If this doesn't get fixed soon I want my money back. Not sure about you guys but I'm not in the business of giving free money. Cause of right now I paid for a service that I can't even USE. FIX IT!
- 2 years ago
Man I don't know why I even bother. Been some time since I last played thought maybe just maybe they fixed this crap game. Of course yall didn't! It's so heartbreaking how yall really don't care. No way this should still be a problem. I think it's officially time we (the consumers) start boycotting Madden. Been a fan for years but yet we're getting treated with no care. Use to always argue with people who thought 2K was better. Now I wish 2K was around cause Madden is trash now. Will NOT buy the next Madden and the next after that. You guys officially SUCK!
- 2 years ago
They don’t care about the game and how it runs. They care about who’s dumping the most money into their pockets. And they act blind to the fact 90% of the player base can’t even play the game
- 2 years ago
Why should we have to jump through hoops to play the game? This is awful
- TumblingDice8012 years agoSeasoned Newcomer
I have had problems with both graphic modes.
- 2 years ago
Platform: Xbox Series X
PSN ID/Xbox GT: K1ngManso
Region: NA East
Are you getting an error message? No
Does this happen in a specific game mode or on a specific screen? All modes
Date this issue started (is it still happening?)?
Is anything else happening? Freezing and crashing
Please share any steps you've tried to far to resolve the issue: all suggested steps
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
If on PC, please share a DxDiag (Allows us to get PC Spec's, Check for errors/crashes, and look at drivers)
About Madden NFL 24 Technical Issues & Bugs
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