Recorded Losses Due To Bad Connection
This has been happening ever since Madden 24, but quite often, I will start a game online, have it load to the beginning, and have the game end with the message “connection to your opponent has been lost”. Every time this happens, it credits me with a loss on the leaderboards and this exact situation probably accounts for about half of my losses. I have a wired connection and the best wifi that I can buy, yet still this is often the case. I’m not sure what the deal is but I feel like if the connection can’t even make it to kickoff, then the game should just be nullified instead of being counted as a forfeit. If there’s any way to appeal this, I would love to know. Not that the record matters but I just take personal pride in it.
P.S.- The fact that year after year EA pumps out the same game with a roster update that could just be downloaded from shared files, and expects people to pay $60 is a shame. The amount of work they put into madden is probably equivalent to me having to roll out of bed to take a **bleep** in the morning. I hope their monopoly on the NFL license ends, and we get a developer that actually cares about the consumer and putting out quality games. They epitomize the scourge of the gaming industry and the bloated greed of the current American economic state.