6 months ago
Epic challenges
It’s time chapter 5. Tell you your down by 4 but when you start the game your down 9 and wants you to score 17 points and not get tackled more then 7 times
It’s time chapter 5. Tell you your down by 4 but when you start the game your down 9 and wants you to score 17 points and not get tackled more then 7 times
It’s annoying. Chew clock is on so there is no way you can do it
Has anyone figured out how to beat this challenge? I have the same issue and have been trying to beat it for 3 days now. It seems you will need to score on defense to win, but nothing I do creates a turnover or pick 6.
First: yes, I've managed to complete this challenge (incl. the bonus objective) with my 82 OVR team after trying it about 100 times. With a non-maxed out team it is pretty tough to stop 3-4 drives of Vick with his offense and I was pretty lucky when I managed to complete the challenge incl. the bonus objective.
Second: no, it is not even worth trying to complete it. The pack I got contained 3x 75 OVR and 2x 77 OVR players. 300 coins and this almost worthless pack. It is just a ridiculous reward for this tough challenge!
Third: In principle, I would love such difficult "challenges" (does not mean that it has to be "Solo Challenges", it should be just a challenging Solo mode...), but it should be worth spending my time. Having to play hours and hours should be worth at least something meaningful...
How did I manage to complete the challenge:
Summarising: it is definitely feasible to complete this challenge, even with a mediocre team. But it is very tough. And if you do not have a very good lineup I would not even try it again if I knew this ridiculous rewards before...
You can do if for me. With my 85 ovr. Can’t make any fumble or pick it. Game is so trash with these
Fake. These epic challenges are hard. I noticed they went back in (EA) and lowered first set to 78OVR Bears from the 86IVR Chiefs!!! Next chapters are excessively hard
My team is 92 and I get zero time to throw and the defenders are better at catching than my receivers...can't begin to count how many times I've watched my linemen just let the computer's Chase Young walk by while the 94 Ovr Chase Young on my team gets tossed like a ragdoll. Madden is so awful because EA has no competition in this market after they bought exclusivity rights.
96 Deion Sanders getting chased down from behind by Kyle Pitts...94 Ovr Terry Mclauren blanketed by 86 overall defenders...
Give me a break
This game is trash, ea is trash, and this challenge is unbeatable. I refuse to believe anything otherwise. Anyone on here or online saying they have done it are liars. If they say they have video proof then it's been faked. Any youtube walkthrough of it is edited footage. I refuse to believe this is a beatable challenge. The ui tracks you to make you lose no matter the team or scenario whether your winning or losing it will always fail you from 3 stars. It's not something that belongs in a game. Video games are meant to be fun and enjoyable. This "challenge" is not that. It's a fake challenge just to torture players for packs that aren't worth it. What a game EA. What a game...