6 months ago
Epic challenges
It’s time chapter 5. Tell you your down by 4 but when you start the game your down 9 and wants you to score 17 points and not get tackled more then 7 times
This game is trash, ea is trash, and this challenge is unbeatable. I refuse to believe anything otherwise. Anyone on here or online saying they have done it are liars. If they say they have video proof then it's been faked. Any youtube walkthrough of it is edited footage. I refuse to believe this is a beatable challenge. The ui tracks you to make you lose no matter the team or scenario whether your winning or losing it will always fail you from 3 stars. It's not something that belongs in a game. Video games are meant to be fun and enjoyable. This "challenge" is not that. It's a fake challenge just to torture players for packs that aren't worth it. What a game EA. What a game...