Solo battles unavailable since yesterday?
- 6 months ago
AWARE AND INVESTIGATING - Accepting as a solution for visibility purposes
Hey, Everyone!
Following up on this one. The team is aware of the following three and looking into these. There has not yet been an update to these, but when we do have one we will update the thread and let players know what is happening or if we need more info from you!
1. Unable to find an opponentThis should have been investigated and resolved but I still see reports here and there. If you have not been able to find an opponent since Friday, please let us know and include screenshots.
2. Unable to get into Solo Battles in generalWe need more info on this one. What specifically is it that you cannot see?
Are you unable to see the title, opponents, is it locked, etc? We need more info and screenshots on this one.
3. Solo battles not giving pointsI am not seeing anything open on this one. If you are not getting points in M25 SB, please respond with this one in the thread and provide the following: