Forum Discussion
Product: Madden NFL 23
Platform:PlayStation 5
Which console generation do you have? Sony PlayStation 5
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Hustelman07
Date/time issue occurred 9/9/2022
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
Which mode has this happened in? Face of the Franchise
Summarize your bug Was halfway through my season and the game turned my cornerback into a quarterback. All stats were reset. And the only skill points available were quarterback skill points. It still said I was a cornerback up in the top right corner. But upgrade points were all quarterback skills. Was forced to delete and restart my season.. THIS IS VERY UNACCEPTABLE.. AND IT IS HAPPENING ACROSS ALL PLATFORMS. A GAME BREAKING BUG PLEASE FIX!!!!
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Actually play the game....and you will see how it switches your position automatically no way you can miss it.. or hire game testers to show you
What happens when the bug occurs? When you load to play your game it switches your position to quarterback and resets all your skill points
What do you expect to see? I expect my position and player to stay the same until I retire.
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here. Was halfway through my season and the game turned my cornerback into a quarterback. All stats were reset. And the only skill points available were quarterback skill points. It still said I was a cornerback up in the top right corner. But upgrade points were all quarterback skills. Was forced to delete and restart my season.. THIS IS VERY UNACCEPTABLE.. AND IT IS HAPPENING ACROSS ALL PLATFORMS. A GAME BREAKING BUG PLEASE FIX!!!!
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Madden 23 ps5 turned my CB into a QB and all my upgrade points turned to qb stats!!! Game breaking bug please fix
Product: Madden NFL 23
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Which console generation do you have? Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? TranqDartF
Date/time issue occurred September 20th - 8:13PM CST
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
Which mode has this happened in? Face of the Franchise
Summarize your bug I was playing games and about 3 games into the season I was switched from WR to QB, it says i'm still a WR and I still play as a WR but my skills and abilities are QB based meaning I can't upgrade my character. I've seen this happen to multiple people on multiple different systems and positions.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I believe it happens randomly throughout the season.
What happens when the bug occurs? It switches my position to QB
What do you expect to see? I expect it to stay as the position I picked at the start of the career.
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here. There is no crash.
What is the AMD or Nvidia Model Number of your graphics card? N/A
Enter RAM memory size in GB N/A
This is a pretty big game breaking but that I hope gets fixed soon, Id like my accounts position to be switched back to WR so I don't have to restart, my account is listed above. The name of the character is "Clark Kent" and he's on the Chiefs.
- 3 years ago@QuantumAlt Same, this just happened to me towards the end of my season. I was a running back and it switched me to QB, except I still play as running back. Now I’m a running back with a Bazooka X-Factor lol. EA if you’re able to revert this back for me too please let me know, I’d love to not have to restart. I also now can’t play my old QB face of the franchise career either now that I’m a QB in my RB Face of the Franchise, so I just lost all of that…
- 3 years ago
Just happened to me for a second time I’m extremely frustrated
- 3 years ago
Yes I agree with you 100%. Happened to me for a third time last night. I am totally done playing this game I almost snapped it in half. Who knows when it will be fixed but I'm asking EA for a refund. I won't be playing this game anymore until they update it im done
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