Forum Discussion
Same thing happened to me with a linebacker on PS5. It changed everything to the QB skill points. It’s pretty frustrating.
- scangs253 years agoSeasoned Rookie
Product: Madden NFL 23
Platform:PlayStation 5
Which console generation do you have? Sony PlayStation 5
What is your gamertag/PSN ID?
Date/time issue occurred Every time I play
What type of issue do you have? Crash/Freeze
Which mode has this happened in? Face of the Franchise
Summarize your bug When advancing to season 2 regular season you are randomly traded each week of the preseason. Very frustrating.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Advance to season 2 of FOTF, and advance to the regular season.
What happens when the bug occurs? I select the bills for my year 2 team, by the 3rd week of the preseason I’m on my third team in 3 weeks.
What do you expect to see? I expect to play for the team I selected.
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I’m not sure if it happens with every team but it happens with all the teams I’ve tried. It appears in season 2 that a ton of players move around so not sure if that is part of the issue .
but the user should not be traded in year 2 after signing a contract. Please fix asap !
- scangs253 years agoSeasoned Rookie
Product: Madden NFL 23
Platform:PlayStation 5
Which console generation do you have? Sony PlayStation 5
What is your gamertag/PSN ID?
Date/time issue occurred Every time I play
What type of issue do you have? Crash/Freeze
Which mode has this happened in? Face of the Franchise
Summarize your bug Couple bugs that need looked at asap. 1) when you reach the Super Bowl in year one, and click advance to game, madden will crash to the home screen and ask to file an error report. When you load back in it works but every single time you advance game the first time, it will crash. 2) week when you are asked by your current team if you want an extension, the game pops up an error message saying “this is your last contract, you have to accept”, but then you are not given an accept or reject option. you have to close the game and restart to accept or reject.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Just play through season 1 of FOTF and you’ll catch both glitches. Both happen to me with each new season I’ve tried and I’ve tried different teams.
What happens when the bug occurs? It essentially crashes the game and forces you to restart the game completely. (Close and restart)
What do you expect to see? I expect to have this game mode functioning properly, no crashes. PLEASE!
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Face of the Franchise issues:
1) when you reach the Super Bowl in year one, and click advance to game, madden will crash to the home screen and ask to file an error report. When you load back in it works but every single time you advance game the first time, it will crash.
2) the week when you are asked by your current team if you want an extension, the game pops up an error message saying “this is your last contract, you have to accept”, but then you are not given an accept or reject option. you have to close the game and restart to accept or reject.
- 3 years ago
Product: Madden NFL 23
Platform:Xbox Series S
Which console generation do you have? Microsoft Xbox One S
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? XsMAKEOUTHLLL
Date/time issue occurred 11/21/2022
What type of issue do you have? Crash/Freeze
Which mode has this happened in? Franchise Mode
Which part of the mode? Cloud
What is your Franchise League Name? XSMAKEOUTHLLL_3
Summarize your bug The advance week has a lock on it and won’t let me advance.
How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go into the franchise and try to advance the week.
What happens when the bug occurs? It just doesn’t let me move ahead to the next week
What do you expect to see? The week advance and no lock
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here.
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- 3 years ago
Product: Madden NFL 23
Which console generation do you have?
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Date/time issue occurred Ever since I got to about week 4 in FotF so 1 week ago, however on this forum the issue has been present since September and still hasn't gotten fixed yet.
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
Which mode has this happened in? Online head to head
Summarize your bug Somewhere between weeks 3-5 in Face of the Franchise my Halfback position player turned into a Quarterback, yet he still plays at the halfback position. I can now upgrade skills that are useful to a quarterback like throw power, but they are irrelevant for a halfback. No way to trick the game into thinking I'm a halfback again like changing physique, no resets, no nothing. I haven't put hours into this gamemode just to have to start the season over. Well, actually, that won't help because someone reset their FotF 3 times and it still happened. This means I am stuck at my abilities and despite playing more, my player stagnates in skill. Again, this has been happening to players since September and I fail to see how we're going on half a year without a fix.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play face of the franchise at any position other than quarterback
What happens when the bug occurs? described above
What do you expect to see? My player being a Halfback in the upgrade menu and this bug finally getting fixed after 5 months of continuous reports from everyone
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here.
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Product: Madden NFL 23
Which console generation do you have?
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? AcidEU
Date/time issue occurred Ever since I got to about week 4 in FotF so 1 week ago, however on this forum the issue has been present since September and still hasn't gotten fixed yet.
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
Which mode has this happened in? Face of the Franchise
Summarize your bug Somewhere between weeks 3-5 in Face of the Franchise my Halfback position player turned into a Quarterback, yet he still plays at the halfback position. I can now upgrade skills that are useful to a quarterback like throw power, but they are irrelevant for a halfback. No way to trick the game into thinking I'm a halfback again like changing physique, no resets, no nothing. I haven't put hours into this gamemode just to have to start the season over. Well, actually, that won't help because someone reset their FotF 3 times and it still happened. This means I am stuck at my abilities and despite playing more, my player stagnates in skill. Again, this has been happening to players since September and I fail to see how we're going on half a year without a fix.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play face of the franchise at any position other than quarterback
What happens when the bug occurs? described above
What do you expect to see? My player being a Halfback in the upgrade menu and this bug finally getting fixed after 5 months of continuous reports from everyone
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here.
What is the AMD or Nvidia Model Number of your graphics card? gtx1080ti
Enter RAM memory size in GB 32
Product: Madden NFL 23
Which console generation do you have?
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? AcidEU
Date/time issue occurred Ever since I got to about week 4 in FotF so 1 week ago, however on this forum the issue has been present since September and still hasn't gotten fixed yet.
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
Which mode has this happened in? Face of the Franchise
Summarize your bug Somewhere between weeks 3-5 in Face of the Franchise my Halfback position player turned into a Quarterback, yet he still plays at the halfback position. I can now upgrade skills that are useful to a quarterback like throw power, but they are irrelevant for a halfback. No way to trick the game into thinking I'm a halfback again like changing physique, no resets, no nothing. I haven't put hours into this gamemode just to have to start the season over. This means I am stuck at my abilities and despite playing more, my player stagnates in skill. Again, this has been happening to players since September and I fail to see how we're going on half a year without a fix.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play face of the franchise at any position other than quarterback
What happens when the bug occurs? described above
What do you expect to see? My player being a Halfback in the upgrade menu and this bug finally getting fixed after 5 months of continuous reports from everyone.
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here.
What is the AMD or Nvidia Model Number of your graphics card? GTX1080TI
Enter RAM memory size in GB 32
- 3 years ago
Almost finished my 1st season as a HB and after a game my player switched to QB and back to 0 stats upgraded with no upgrades available. It still has HB under the profile picture but the abilities screen shows QB and back to level 1
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