10 years agoAuction Glitch
Bid on player in auction, did not recieve if I won of lost bid and cannot get coins back..... Any ideas? Lost 35,000 kind of upset
Please wait 24 hours for the item to return. If it does not return please reply so I can help you further.
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@gpollack215 wrote:
Please help. I lost player of high value
Please wait 24 hours for the items to process. If they do not return please reply here so I can further help you.
Im having the same problem but I posted mine a week ago? Pl help
I'm missing like $13,000 myself and it's been over 48 hours....
I lost 1.4 mil bidding on a player and been over 48 and still no coins returned
I bid on flash back Suh, then was outbid and bid again, then realized none of the coins bid were returned.
Ended up loosing the auction and all my coin. I just want my 1. 4 mil coin back i worked so hard for
Any advice would be helpful, I already filed a case but they promise it will be returned in a time frime then that passes without it happening.
Thanks !
I lost about 500k worth of coins and players in this glitch. Help!
All I see is "we are looking into this"... at this point should I just assume that my 150K coins are gone? I can just chalk them up to the 200k coins I lost back on that wonderful "upgrade" a few months ago where you told me to delete and reinstall the game and I lost my entire account. You guys are trying really ahrd to get me to stop installing and/or buying EA games. This so-called support is a joke.
Been 72 hours since i bought brock osweiler and NEVER RECEVIED HIM.