10 years agoAuction Glitch
Bid on player in auction, did not recieve if I won of lost bid and cannot get coins back..... Any ideas? Lost 35,000 kind of upset
Please wait 24 hours for the item to return. If it does not return please reply so I can help you further.
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@gpollack215 wrote:
Please help. I lost player of high value
Please wait 24 hours for the items to process. If they do not return please reply here so I can further help you.
@myanez12 wrote:
I lost over 100k coins and 10 players in auction. It's already been 2 days and I've turned off my phone constantly and they still haven't been returned
I lost $50k and several players to auction too... Still nothing returned... It's been days... Wondering if we will ever get our merchandise back...