10 years agoAuction Glitch
Bid on player in auction, did not recieve if I won of lost bid and cannot get coins back..... Any ideas? Lost 35,000 kind of upset
I'm having Auction House problems. I've purchased two elite collectible cards. It shows that I win them in auction and it takes my coins but I haven't recieved the cards yet. It's frustrating because I need these cards back and all it's doing is taking my coins!
Please help!
Please wait 24 hours for the items to process. If they do not return please reply here so I can further help you.
If I answered your question please hit the xp button and accept this answer as the solution to help me level up!
Thanks I'll get back to you if it doesn't work or even if it does!
Happening again.
Lost coins.
Do something now please.