10 years agoAuction Glitch
Bid on player in auction, did not recieve if I won of lost bid and cannot get coins back..... Any ideas? Lost 35,000 kind of upset
Same thing has happened to me, I lost 1.45 mil in coins I bid on Flashback Suh and got out bid and bid again then realized that none of my coins were ever returned when I was out big again.
I contacted ea via phone and the person had no information for me, and pushed me off the phone hanging up when I was trying to ask questions.
Hope the coins get returned, I enjoy the game and just wanting it to work doesnt seem like to much to ask.
Lost 70k
I tried to bid on a 93 Patrick Peterson Team of the Week card for 123,000 coins in the auction house and it did not show up in the my bids section. It then would not let me get my coins back when I got outbid because it did not recognize that I bid on the item except on the bids section, but it registered as if I did not make a bid at all, but on my coins it was 123,000 coins less than it was before. Any ideas of how to get the coins back?