Forum Discussion
Thanks for the info. Can anyone on android affected try logging into a 2nd device as a test and see if the issue persists? I suspect it will, and any confirmation will help.
@expiredfundip @BearBuddy34 Can you send me a DM with your UIDs? I have the UIDs for other folks, but yours aren't linked to your posting account right now.
@andyv013 Can I check you tried the same account on both devices? Can I check the model and OS version on these?
it does @EA_David
- 6 years ago
@jonathan52504@EA_Daviddo you think there
is a fix to this issue
- 6 years ago@jonathan52504 im sorry @EA_David it doesnt meant something else
- 6 years ago@jonathan52504 @EA_David it does not work on a second device
- 6 years ago
Same here.
- EA_David6 years ago
Community Admin
Thank you for confirming this. We've gathered your account info, hopefully we'll have an update soon.
- 6 years ago
@EA_David any updates?
- 6 years ago
And while you're at it @EADavid, anyone keeping track of the 5,000 XP and associated other stuff we're all losing every day being plagued by this? Appreciate you taking a look into the problem but if it's not fixed really soon, people affected are going to have to quit. Trying to be in a competitive league stuck with one crappy scheme doesn't work.
- 6 years ago
I hope EA compensates us for what we haven't been able to gain. Not just throwing Madden cash at us. We need our rewards, it's been 17 days now and we are all behind other's who aren't experiencing this issue. @eadavid I hope their is a fix soon and we are compensated properly.
- 6 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply, David. Fingers crossed the studio finds a fix quickly.
- 6 years ago
@EA_David - today the captains and coaches unlocked for me - goals still don't register. Not sure if others also had problem with captains & coaches as well but progress there. Hopefully the goals fix isn't far behind.
- 6 years ago
Still locked for me @EA_David
- 6 years ago
no improvement for me
- 6 years ago
Same with me, no improvement. I'm done with the game at the end of the month if there is no fix
- 6 years ago
any new news @EA_David
- 6 years ago
Doesn't seem like there is a fix to this. EA doesn't seem concerned about it either. Haven't heard from them in a while and they stopped responding to messages from me. @EAdavid seems to have stopped as well. Played since 1st year * way to stop playing
- 6 years ago@whitey1181 yep come on @EA_David
- 6 years ago
Daily goals tab is also missing the feats and achievements tabs so even more stuff we're missing out on. Come on, EA, get your act together. NFL needs to take this franchise away from EA in future for malpractice - it's laughable how pathetically they've screwed up this game and can't be bothered to provide updates on fixing it.
- 6 years ago
Two more days of crickets from the geniuses at EA. Seems they're not going to come up with a fix and we're all just supposed to either play handicapped all year or quit.
- 6 years ago
@EA_David please tell us anything
- 6 years ago
@EA_David we dont even have captains and coaches
- 6 years ago
we are so far behind we can never catch up even if they do fix it WTH. be nice to have some answers though.
- 6 years ago
More days, more crickets! At least someone put it over on MUTHead now as well - perhaps the folks over there can be of more use before we all have to quit. If there's no programming solution, can EA at least let us start over and transfer MC and valuable assets over? Heck, I'll give up my legacy team and have three less events to play every day but losing 10K MC is a bridge too far.
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