Forum Discussion
Anybody in ea please help @EA_David why did you bail on us we just want this fixed we love this game and hate how we can not do promos and other things you must know something have the community is dealing with this we will take anything just to hear from you guys i even changed phones and it still does not work
Sorry it took so long to get back, word is there may be an update on this.
If you're affected can you clear storage on Android, or reinstall the app on iOS and see if anything changes?
- 6 years ago
Did as you said @EA_David but same issues. I created a new profile and everything works fine. Can EA transfer our account to new one's?
- 6 years ago
wait when i got to the app is says clear data is that what i am suppose to do?
- 6 years ago@jonathan52504 Clearing data resets all of your preferences so your graphics settings, camera angle etc will reset to default.
- 6 years ago
So clear data?
- 6 years ago@jonathan52504 It won't hurt anything. You'll just have to reset any preferences you changed.
- 6 years ago
Yep still nothing what else should I do @EA_David
- EA_David6 years ago
Community Admin
Thank you for trying this. We flagged this as not resolved, when we have anything more we'll let folks know.
For now, anyone affected can try the steps above. - 6 years ago
Didn't resolve for me - though "maintenance underway" popped up a short time ago so maybe that's encouraging (or something totally unrelated getting fixed like the QB's not throwing the ball)
- 6 years ago
Another great part of this glitch @EA_David - after claiming the 80 overall master players in the Hall of Fame set, the Shield set doesn't unlock. Just like the last promo the OBJ didn't unlock after completing all the others. Sure glad we're still spending time on these events and getting shut out of the rewards. Ridiculous! If EA was able to figure out last season how to give all the negative rushing yards to #TheMovement in the season score, they oughta be able to give us the stuff we've earned and been shut out of....on that note, anyone have the latest count of how many days of 5,000 XP and stamina rewards from the daily goals we're not getting? I've lost track at this point!
- 6 years ago
Hello???! @EA_David
- 6 years ago
@dennisp280 they will give us nothing, obviously this isn't a big issue for them. We are screwed, the most they will offer is pro packs and a bunch of stamina, which is useless at this point. They will not give us credit for all will lost cause it's EA and they don't care. Isn't that right @EA_David ?
- 6 years ago
Yeah, I'd love to be surprised but at this point, seems pretty apparent they've written us off. Interestingly enough, realized this week that the instant replay function during games doesn't work for me either - is that broken for you guys who have the other problem as well? All my 80 promo players are riding the bench disappointed they don't get to be upgraded with all the badges that were accumulated to upgrade them. Thanks, a lot, EA. This is turning out to be a bigger cluster-* than Brian Cushing. @EA_David
- 6 years ago
@EA_David Seriously? No Updates??
- 6 years ago
@dennisp280 I couldn't of said it any better. 2 months and nothing from EA. Just cricket's. That's offensive to cricket's cause at least they serve a purpose unlike EA and this thread. @EA_David
- 6 years ago
@whitey1181 - you might have to try to say it better - they can't fix their game but they sure are great at deleting and threatening to ban criticism. If only they put that much effort into fixing problems, maybe we wouldn't have an 11 page running thread trying to get answers out of them. Novel concept for sure.
- 6 years ago
Yippeeee!!! Another "promo" starts and we don't have ability to get any of the achievements and rewards. @EA_David , is anyone going to do anything to fix this? The most popular promos of the year are starting and EA won't even give us the courtesy of being able to start new accounts that aren't bugged without losing all the currency we've built up? That can't be hard if EA cared at all about long-time customers. Sure as heck ain't spending money on this promo as I would have in the past if there's no chance at all the rewards. This is absolutely ridiculous - well, I guess it would be for any company other than EA. Please do surprise us one of these days and fix this before the thread gets to 47 pages and/or we all give up.
- 6 years ago
@EA_David we dont get the promos
- 6 years ago
They've let this thread get to 11 pages - they really don't give a rat's rear end about us. None of the EA folks over at MutHead have responded to inquiries about this over 2 months either. It's funny because if there are so few of us who have this problem that they don't care to fix it, one would think they would be able to help us create new accounts and the problem would go away and they wouldn't have to hear about it. Then again, that's an actual solution that requires a couple of firing neurons between the ears which likely excludes the EA team. Our continued thanks for nothing to the whole brigade!
- 6 years ago
Earth to EA.....Earth to EA.....guess it's not surprising that @EA_David won't respond to this thread anymore and that EAMessina and EAHeySteveDave over at MutHead similarly have ignored messages on this for over a month. Pathetic. I'll leave it right there lest the poor little EA folks get offended and ban me for questioning why they won't come up with a way to solve this problem. @expiredfundip @whitey1181
- 6 years ago@dennisp280 Wow, I can't believe this issue has gone on for this long. It's absolutely insane that no one will even give you an update or anything.
- 6 years ago
They only reply to issues when they can find a fix for it. Their answer to this issue is to completely ignore it hoping we just go away. I made another profile and everything works, but that doesn't solve the issue. I played this game since the 1st year spent money on it because it was fun. We can't even get an answer or resolution from EA. @EA_David give us something. Transfer our accounts and give us something for this issue that has been going on since day 1. Don't reply with a "a clear data, uninstall, update app." You have all these players that just want to play, I have stopped completely and my league suffers. They at least understand unlike EA. @dennisp280 maybe in 2020 we might get a reply.
- 6 years ago
Hip, hip, horray - another set of "achievements" in a promo that we can't access. Started completing the Fear Collections sets and completing them doesn't register for the master. @EA_David are you even still reading these and just intentionally giving us the middle finger brush-off? Are you and EA that unwilling to try and fix this or communicate with us on an attempted fix? Seems like it's getting to be about time for all of us to look back through the in-app purchases that we've made in past seasons and contact payment providers since the in-app MaddenCash that is in our accounts from those purchases is useless if we're not able to have a functioning account.
We've tried to be patient but at this point it's getting ridiculous and the amount of resources we have been denied due to this incompetence grows larger every day. Please do something!
- 6 years ago
Hey All!
Sorry it took me so long to get on these forums. I'm going to get this looked at ASAP. - 6 years ago
Greatly appreciated, @EA_Messina
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