In the event it's helpful, @EA_Messina , here are some of the tell-tale signs of what we've been experiencing. Hope you can help -
1. Daily goals don't register and give rewards. 2. In promo, the achievement tabs don't open when clicked upon. OBJ didn't unlock in the last promo once other sets were completed. 3. Instant replay function doesn't seem to work (I thought that was odd). 4. Coaches and Captains don't unlock as they should once the criteria are met. 5. "News" remains locked and says "complete all your daily goals to unlock this mode". 6. Completing the "Fear the Collection" sets doesn't register towards the "Fear the Collection Master". 7. Gem achievements don't work at all. 8. Promo season mode after purchase doesn't register goals or the reward at the end - I bought the 4,000 gems pack last promo and am not going to waste gems this time until fix.
Others, feel free to add anything I've missed. Pretty much 5,000 XP and a couple hundred stamina we've been missing every day just on the goals and on top of that all the in-promo stuff. Really hard to stay in a competitive league with two arms and two legs tied behind our backs. Here's hoping for a fix asap.