[Discussion] Good Morning Madden Mobile! (Madden Mobile 20)
*UPDATE* 7/29/20: This post has been locked. Please see our new post for the Madden NFL 21 Mobile season here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Madden-NFL-Mobile/Madden-NFL-21-Mobile-Livestreams/m-p/9355487#M45260
"Good morning" Madden Mobile fans!
Throughout the season the Madden Mobile team has been jumping into live-streams for the community to discuss what content is planned ahead, new events, answer questions, special guests, and everything else going on in Madden Mobile! Be sure to join us for the fun on Twitch and leave us your questions and comments below!
Did we mention giveaways for those tuning in during the live-stream? 🙂
Official EA Madden Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/eamaddennfl
Our EA Game Changers for Madden Mobile:
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ilogicshd
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnnVh7pEkSao1MOk0gycWKQ
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/noobkill_213/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/noobkill213/videos
Past Broadcasts:
- 07-28-20 - Last Season 6 Stream
- 06-22-20 Madden NFL Mobile 21 Reveal Core Loop
- 06-16-20 Madden NFL Mobile 21 Reveal
- 04-16-20 - NFL Draft Program Preview
- 03-20-20 - Ultimate Legends & Team Heroes
- 03-18-20 - Badge Trade-In LIVE
- 03-12-20 - Madden EX Updates/Changes
- 03-11-20 - Madden EX is live!
- 03-10-20 - Madden Executive Promo Reveal
- 03-09-20 - Weekend Recap
- 03-06-20 - Campus Heroes & Ultimate Legends Reveal
- 03-05-20 - 7 New Players Dropping Tomorrow!
- 03-04-20 - Campus Heroes Feedback
- 03-03-20 - Campus Heroes Promo!
- 03-02-20 - Announcement: New Promo Tomorrow
- 02-27-20 - Ultimate Legends Preview
- 02-26-20 - Grand Masters Update
- 02-25-20 - Scouting Combine Fixes and Updates
- 02-24-20 - Weekend Recap
- 02-21-20 - Thursday Night and Friday Morning Stream (Superstar & Scouting Combine)
- 02-20-20 - Field Pass Preview for Sunday's Promo
- 02-19-20 - Team Heroes Update Tomorrow. UL Feedback
- 02-18-20 - Deion Sanders & Ultimte Legend Updates
- 02-14-20 - Ultimate Legends Reveal
- 02-13-20 - Deion Sanders Master Series
- 02-12-20 - Maddentines Announcement
- 02-11-20 - Update Teaser & Giveaways
- 02-10-20 - Updates & Fixes
- 02-07-20 - TOTY Sets, Legends, and Game Updates
- 02-06-20 - Legends Reminder on Saturday
- 02-05-20 Quick update on TOTY
- 02-04-20 - Special Guest John & TOTY
- 01-28-20 Lamar Jackson & Team Heroes
- 01-27-20 Weekend Super Bowl Launch Recap
- 01-24-20 Super Bowl Program Sneak Peak
- 01-23-20 Pro Bowl Reminder & Super Bowl Hype
- 01-22-20 - Bug Fix Updates
- 01-21-20 Weekend Updates
- 01-17-20 Pro Bowl Promo Reveal
- 01-16-20 Championship Run!
- 01-15-20 Flashbacks Coming!
- 01-14-20 TOTW Reveal!
- 01-13-20 Discord Reminder
- 01-10-20 NFL 100 Breakdown
- 01-09-20 - Playoff Masters & Phenoms, Discord Announcement, & Special Guest RB Joe Mixon
- 01-08-20 - Special Guest Shane on Master Series 9
- 01-07-20 - Team of the Week Update
- January 6th 2020 stream. Recap on upcoming bug fixes & updates
- 8th Day of Giveaways
- 7th Day of Giveways!
- 6th Day of Giveaway & UF Feedback
- 4th Day of Giveaway
- Ultimate Freeze Reveal
- 12 Days of Christmas!
- Field of Freeze Reveal!
- Ultimate Freeze Winners, Legends, Primetime Players
- New Phenoms, Fixes, Madden Live Stream December 13th
- New Master Series!
- Phenoms, Legends, Primetime Players, Competitive Sets!
- NFL 100 Chain!
- Lineup Boosters Gameplay
- New Phenoms, Lineup Boosters, and new PtG maps
- TOTW, Title Update, Playbook Updates
- 92 OVR Pumpkin Pie, Achievements Fixed, PTG5 Dropped, Trade-In Banners
- Polamalu & Achievement Fix, Arena Updates, and Repetition Difficulty
- November Calendar Update - New Maps Tomorrow!
- Path to Greatness Preview
- New Field Pass & Friday Sneak Peak
- Fall back Friday!
- Special Halloween Events and Phenoms!
- Primetime, and Signature Series players! Feedback on Most Feared
- Most Feared!
- Master Series 6, Flashbacks, Legends and Next Week's Schedule
- Madden in the Woods, Technical & Bug Updates, New Content Drops & Community Questions
- TOTW Reveal, Nightmare on Madden Street, Field of Fear & iPhone fix updates
- Field of Fear reveal
- Evolution reveal
- Sneak peek of the Master Series Gauntlet #5