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Anonymous's avatar
10 years ago

Madden Mobile Blitz Ticket Glitch

I bought $10 dollars worth of madden cash and spent it on Blitz Packs for tickets, 3 Blitz packs and 1 Blitz Pro Pack. Later I played the live event and went to sets. It only showed the 2 I had won in the live event and the ones I bought disappeared!

PS- before the live event I checked in sets and I did have the blitz tickets from the packs, they just disappeared after the Live Event.

97 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar
    10 years ago
    And I refuse to let a major company or ANYBODY for that matter steal my money from me.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    10 years ago

    Blitz tickets were never available for auction.

    @MadApeBanjo wrote:

    Absolute bunk!  I also thought Blitz tickets were available via auction so maybe I could still pick a few up to complete the one and only player set remaining, but they aren't available in auction anymore either.  And I specifically purchased Blitz packs for the tickets.

    So we're totally screwed.  I've been one to forgive past problems despite spending way too much money on this game.  Part of the reason was because the generally handled it well and compensated sufficiently.  This is just bogus though and I finally feel I've been cheated one too many times.

    I'll play the game for free now.  And I'll ignore any sponsored live events from now on too.

  • I had 70 blitz tickets but l;ost them in a glitch last friday like many people did, during the Mean Joe Greene set. Now they are only wanting to give me 23 event collectibles as repayment. WHy cant they just their sets and give me a legend or flashback. They should just put the sets back up, so people just recieving their tockets back can use them for their true value. Hope the developers see this.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    10 years ago
    Read the post I made, its about how EA is scamming us with the blitz tickets. Many many of us have the same problem as you.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    10 years ago

    It makes me mad how they just gave us the tickets back and gave us the worst of the sets to put them in like no i want my tickets back the set and a compensation for all the problems and waiting i have had to do because of their mistake.

  • For the Blitz ticket glitch on madden mobile, I lost a ton of tickets and chances at great players. Tons of people had this glitch happen to them and experiencing the same problem. An easy way to solve it would be reopen all of the sets. People who just got them back could use them on what they rightfully earned, and people that didn't lose any but missed the sets can get a chance for getting some binder space back. Just putting the Night Train Lane set wasn't helpful for people that had less than 100 and the event collectibles aren't worth it for people that had more than 20. I had 70 and missed out on great players. If a manager reads this I hope he makes the right call to honor the sets players rightfully earned.

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