Maxx Crosby Icon 147 Problem
I have a Problem to get the 147 Maxx Crosby Icon. I earned both 144 Icons of Maxx Crosby in the Journes but as i want to trade them i am not able to do it. In the Trades i only can use on Maxx Crosby. On the other hand i have both of them in my Inventory.
Hi @28827658,
Are you sure that you do not have the other Crosby rostered in any of your lineups?
If you are unable to exchange players via trades, that usually indicates that you may have those players rostered in a lineup. Players must be removed from all your lineups to be eligible for trades.
While the indicated player may not be rostered in your primary/default lineup, that player is likely being rostered in one of your additional lineups you may have set. You can check for additional lineups you may have created by selecting the down arrow to the right of your current lineup name on the "My Team" screen as depicted below:
Once you remove that player from your lineup(s) you should be able to use him in trades.