Do you still have your old phone? You can log into your account to verify your Madden User ID.
Your progress should carry over from your old device if you synced it up to your iCloud/Apple account. If you linked it up to Facebook, visit Facebook and go to Settings>Apps and remove Madden Mobile so it unlinks it from your old phone, then log into the game with your new iPhone.
This post is originally from 2017, so I'll be locking it down to avoid any more necroposting. If you still need help please create a new topic if you're unable to find a more recent post.
Don't "necropost." Reviving, updating or bumping old, outdated and irrelevant threads is not helpful for our community. It's best to check when the thread was created before you hit post, just to make sure it's not 2 years old for example.
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