11 years agoUnable to auction players
I am currently playing madden 2015 on my mobile device. For some reasons, i can't auction my players, why? I was able to do it before. Now all I can do is sell.
Thank you for your reports on this. The relevant people have been notified. I will post any news on this here as it becomes available.
Can you guys check if you are able to post an auction if you enter a start price and also buy now price please.
What worked for you?
Are you putting a bid price and a buy price?
9 months later then everybody from this string i am now having that problem can you please help me resolve it and fast
When i press auctions, it just says
The Auction House currently unavailable. Please try again later
although i can sell players and buy packs,
I really hope you can help me, cause me and my friends have had the problem for a couple of days and we are probably moving on to another game if this doesn't get fixed.
I would really appreciate if you could help.
Why can I only auction players that aren't associated with any program? I have a thanksgiving elite KR but can't post it or any other card that has a logo on the top left corner for auction. I see program cards in the auction all the time but with all of my cards it says they are unavailable for auction and I haven't leveled it up or anything it is fresh.
You cannot auction off almost any player that was obtained through a set. There are some exceptions, but they are very rare. Not sure how you obtained this elite KR, but if it was through the completion of a set, then you wouldn't be able to auction him off. However, if you received players via purchasing from the store, then you should be able to auction off those cards.