Forum Discussion
@Kingsman-73 wrote:
@ketxxx I don't wanted to sound harsh, but look, if it would've happen for the first time, that a game is that buggy, it would be okay, the second time it would maybe be okay as well, but now a days every Triple A developer sells unfinished games and they fix them (IF they fix them) months later and we don't have the right to complain about this behavior? Imagine you buy a car. The brakes don't work, the lights don't work but the company tells you, they will fix the car in a few months and you should still drive this car. Would that be okay with you? So why do game developers may do this to their customers? Do you know what 60 Euros or 60 Dollars mean for some people? They MAY expect that the game that they bought for this money runs without any technical flaws. The gaming industry is one of the biggest industries now a days, they make huge amount of money and they are not able to sell finished games? If every company would act like that, they were very quickly very broke, 'cause no normal person would buy from them anymore. Or would you buy a product from a company that sold you broken products for more than one time? I don't think so. So game developers and publishers shouldn't have the right anymore to sell unfished products. They are kidding their customers with promises they never keep ("We don't make three endings which only differ slightly" ~ Casey Hudson), they sell sometimes products the customer can't use (Gothic III for example), but they keep the customers money. And this behavior makes me angry. I am sorry, but it is like it is. As a huge Mass Effect Fan, I waited 5 (in words FIVE) years for this game and I get THIS? Sorry, but it's not funny to have all these bugs and that I can't play a new game+ with these game breaking bugs. 60 Euros for what? It's like, you would buy the Monopoly game, but the money and some cards and the houses are missing. Would you buy another product from this company who sold you this Monopoly game? I am sorry, but it really makes me angry that developers/publishers think they can do this kind of stuff, without getting any trouble. Even german gaming magazines wrote about Bethesda games for example "Oh this is Bethesda. It is normal that there are bugs in their games." NO, it is NOT normal, especially not for a triple A developer. It isn't funny! People work for their money and they want to have fun with a game which costs 60 Euros and they don't want to feel anger because the games not working properly. Sorry, only my opinion on that matter.
I very much agree it shouldn't be tolerable. AND to top it off I find it very not amusing that people go out of their way to rate Bethesda games higher because they are Bethesda games and yet they still are buggy. And I also do not wish to pay $60 for a game that must wait for the "mod" community to fix the game down the road too. But at the same time I do also understand that I am willing to give some developers as second change or time to get things right as well. The analogies are similar but they are also not 100% perfect examples that fit either. Regardless, I enjoyed the game enough even with a few of the bugs that I will likely continue playing especially once some of the kinks are actually resolved. One thing that is interesting to see is that I find an active developer that talks to the community to be more likely to succeed as well.
Another thing to point out is we really do not know who to blame for the whole story either. Yes EA says they would have given Bioware enough time etc, but that may or may not actually have been the case or Bioware maybe flat out tried too hard to push it out despite their previous claims. It also sounds like development hell occurred at one time and they started over so the 5 year, 40m budget is a bit low for what they had for resources too.
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