Forum Discussion
Another bug, or rather a design flaw - when interacting with NPC's you have to stand in front of the NPC, you can't interact with them from the side or back (why can't they just turn towards you???). If I remember correctly this wasn't the case in ME1-3.
The E symbol doesn't come up until you stand in front of the character which makes things a bit complicated when they are standing near a tables or balconies.
I "love" how this game has been out there for a month already and they didn't even send us a patch to fix the really serious bugs yet, I mean, how hard can it be to fix these bugs, we already QA'ed the game, all you need to do is run it and you will see the bugs.
I am a programmer myself, never programmed a game before, but it can't be that hard to fix these issues... @ketxxx as a modder, how hard is it really to fix these issues?
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX, it depends on the type of bug. A error you might see with the level itself for example (of which I've seen at least 2 with Andromeda) would require fixing in the SDK or taking the level back in to Maya or Max to fix.
Task / quest / whatever you want to call them bugs are pure and simple scripting errors that for a good scripter usually are not difficult to fix. The only people familiar with Frostbite 3 will be the ones who have the SDK tools to work with it so I can't say how easy it would be to address the issue of having to be face to face with a NPC to talk to them but from working with other engines this is not something that should ever be a problem anyway which says to me only being able to talk to a NPC when you are face to face with them was a deliberate design decision, which given there are a bunch of NPCs that lean against railings and things like that, was a pretty stupid one.
A good deal of audio errors are more than likely down to poor scripting as well, lets take for example the "Safe Travels" task that has you eventually landing on Kadara to fight the pirates in the badlands, once you reach the pirates location you get a short dialog, if you then kill all the pirates, accomplish what you have to do at this location and then drive off, or hell leave the planet entirely you would expect that would be the last of that dialog, but no. If you visit this location again you will still get that initial bit of dialog because theres nothing in the script to tell the game that part of the task is complete and to not play the dialog again. You will encounter this problem MANY times with varying tasks and even story related missions, worse still, even after you complete these tasks / missions with some at least (if not all) you can go over a area that once had you needing to do something that also had some dialog and still get the piece of dialog that originally played even long after that task or mission is complete.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx I totally agree on the sound bugs, it seems to me they didn't even think before they did these audio scripts and worse, they didn't even test it out correctly.
Another "problem" I have with this game is once you create an outpost on Eos lets say, you still run into a bunch of Kett all over the place, after you defeated their main base.
Now I can understand the idea of skirmishes here and there, the fact that defeating the kett is one of the main obstacles in getting the viability to 100% doesn't make sense that Kett are still around and in the same spots over and over and over and over (you get the point) again.
It's tedious and in fact very boring to fight them so many times, I just don't bother with them anymore.
Same thing goes for Havarl where you need to keep fighting those god damn creatures over and over again, and even though you finish Jaal's loyalty quest you still have Rokkar encounters (In this case they didn't really say what happened with them, or at least I didn't get to the point where they do, but come on...EVERY SINGLE TIME WE LAND THEY COME BACK TO THE SAME PLACE?).
and wasn't one of the quests in Havarl meant to make the animals less aggressive?? I am sure one of the quests had this in it.
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX wrote:
@ketxxx I totally agree on the sound bugs, it seems to me they didn't even think before they did these audio scripts and worse, they didn't even test it out correctly.
Another "problem" I have with this game is once you create an outpost on Eos lets say, you still run into a bunch of Kett all over the place, after you defeated their main base.
Now I can understand the idea of skirmishes here and there, the fact that defeating the kett is one of the main obstacles in getting the viability to 100% doesn't make sense that Kett are still around and in the same spots over and over and over and over (you get the point) again.
That would actually _create_ bugs, you do realize? There are a few missions dependent on finding random sensor/bug/device in the kett outposts/camps.
- 8 years ago
I'd have to say at this point, I'm less mad about the bugs than I am about the absolute lack of community feedback when it comes to addressing said bugs.
- 8 years ago
@Pyro411, Thats probably because they are too embarrassed. I don't blame them, I would be too if I released a piece of * like this but I still wouldn't go radio silent. Looks like they are taking a page out of Hello Games playbook.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx wrote:
@Pyro411, Thats probably because they are too embarrassed. I don't blame them, I would be too if I released a piece of * like this but I still wouldn't go radio silent. Looks like they are taking a page out of Hello Games playbook.
Can't say I blame them for being embarrassed...
What I"m wondering though... is with these bugs are they directly related to
Frostbite 3 Engine bugs
Lack of experience with Frostbite 3 - The wiki page shows about 2 dozen games have been released using Frostbite 3 - so still quite new to the field.
Old habits dying hard - IE tricks & whatnot used in Unreal not working in Frostbite but still attempted to being used.
Rushed development on the engineering side of things.
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