Forum Discussion
@ketxxx I totally agree on the sound bugs, it seems to me they didn't even think before they did these audio scripts and worse, they didn't even test it out correctly.
Another "problem" I have with this game is once you create an outpost on Eos lets say, you still run into a bunch of Kett all over the place, after you defeated their main base.
Now I can understand the idea of skirmishes here and there, the fact that defeating the kett is one of the main obstacles in getting the viability to 100% doesn't make sense that Kett are still around and in the same spots over and over and over and over (you get the point) again.
It's tedious and in fact very boring to fight them so many times, I just don't bother with them anymore.
Same thing goes for Havarl where you need to keep fighting those god damn creatures over and over again, and even though you finish Jaal's loyalty quest you still have Rokkar encounters (In this case they didn't really say what happened with them, or at least I didn't get to the point where they do, but come on...EVERY SINGLE TIME WE LAND THEY COME BACK TO THE SAME PLACE?).
and wasn't one of the quests in Havarl meant to make the animals less aggressive?? I am sure one of the quests had this in it.
I just ignore the kett too, I only stop to kill them if I have to because theres a objective there I need or something. Otherwise I'd rather just run them over, which as I covered a while ago, doesn't even work right in this game either... no doubt because the cannon fodder foot soldiers are bullet sponges. Even from point blank range with what is as far as I can tell the 2nd best shotgun in the game, the Asari Disciple (which the Asari themselves don't even use on their own Ark by the way Bioware.. they use the N7 shotgun.. another continuity problem) it takes FOUR blasts to kill a lowly kett foot soldier with just a red health bar. I don't care how dense their "bone armour" (which is purely aesthetic) is, it is not going to stand up to four bloody point blank shotgun blasts.
I guess we will know if anyone at Bioware read this thread in the next patch or two. Unbelievable this game got released in the state it is. Utter waste of £37, but it yet might be a salvageable mess based on how much fixing it gets, and how many good DLCs are released as a "We're sorry" statement.
@arthurh3535, no, it wouldn't. A lot of tasks that are linked to these random scattering of enemies are also random in their spawn placement as well. I've lost count of the amount of times I've cleared a area out, picked up a task with a random spawn spawn at a area I've already cleared and just walked right in, grabbed / blew up what I needed, then walked right out again. These tasks needed structure to make the game better, they have no structure at all and painfully obviously just use a math.random variable in the script.
- 8 years ago
And... yeah, you are just being whiny because it isn't perfect with no bugs at this point. Those devices spawn with the Kett, so removing the Kett entirely after taking out the bases would break those missions.
- 8 years ago
@arthurh3535, I already gave you a dumbed down easy to understand reply, do I really have to dumb it down to picture book level? Nobody is complaining because the game isn't perfect, people are complaining because this game is a complete mess and obviously got shoved out at least 6 months before it was ready.
Now to essentially dumb things down to picture book level...
Player kills kett at small outpost / barricade > player picks up task with random spawn locations > ends up at area already cleared, just walks in, grabs / blows up objective, walks out. End result: No structure to task at all, akin to a auto-generated "busywork" task. Does this scenario cause bugs? No. Is the task boring and may as well been left out entirely? Yes. If you are going to do a auto-generate type task you at least have the objective spawn at bigger locations and respawn enemies to make the task more interesting and give it the illusion of being something meaningful. It is easy to script things like this.
How many times has everybody ended up at some random pile of debris / rubble in tasks like this to pick up a out of place datapad or blow up a out of place vase looking thing or scan some out of place spawned object? I personally have encountered it with almost every busywork task. It is so easy to spawn objects at locations that make even a busywork task feel important even though its not the level of effort to do so is barely above lazily throwing in a math.random variable (or equivalent depending which scripting language you are using, my example comes from LUA) in the script.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx MEA is by no means a total mess. The big bugs I've seen are quest bugs where you can't continue. Like Tha kadarra vault in the last area before you have to flee the vault. You have to kill all remnant, but if the last remnant is a summoned little flyer, it won't see it to complete.
That's a fairly serious bug, should be fixed soon. But the game is payable across most content and most quest bugs do not keep you from playing thru the main stories and loyalty missions.
A lot of what you have been complaining about aren't bugs, but design choices. And I've been in enough betas to know that you have to keep it simple sometimes so that it doesn't break quests, hence why the Kett still spawn fairly regularly on worlds they been given setbacks, but never fully driven off of.
- 8 years ago
@arthurh3535 I don't care the game isn't perfect I actually like this game and I said it before, I am just saying what my opinion is regarding the game, removing the Kett from bases in which their plant has already gotten to 100% would absolutely NOT break ANYTHING as you don't need them anymore i.e. you have already finished all the tasks because are at 100% viability and removing the Kett is a freaking mission of said planet!! you make no sense in your comment.
Besides, lets go ahead and say that you can get to 100% viability on Eos without doing a few missions in Kett random spawn places which have other tasks to accomplish, so you got rid of the Kett, the bases are still there, but WITH NO Kett! how does this break anything??? and again I'll point out, I am talking about the random bases that are spread out on the planet, NOT the big bases with the bosses in them (which DO end up being empty when you are done!) so again, no sense in your comment.
as @ketxxx mentioned in his comment to you, it seems these are randomized without a second thought of the storyboard and what is going on.
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX wrote:
@arthurh3535 I don't care the game isn't perfect I actually like this game and I said it before, I am just saying what my opinion is regarding the game, removing the Kett from bases in which their plant has already gotten to 100% would absolutely NOT break ANYTHING as you don't need them anymore i.e. you have already finished all the tasks because are at 100% viability and removing the Kett is a freaking mission of said planet!! you make no sense in your comment.
Besides, lets go ahead and say that you can get to 100% viability on Eos without doing a few missions in Kett random spawn places which have other tasks to accomplish, so you got rid of the Kett, the bases are still there, but WITH NO Kett! how does this break anything??? and again I'll point out, I am talking about the random bases that are spread out on the planet, NOT the big bases with the bosses in them (which DO end up being empty when you are done!) so again, no sense in your comment.
as @ketxxx mentioned in his comment to you, it seems these are randomized without a second thought of the storyboard and what is going on.
Except at no point do they say the Kett have been totally driven from any planet. They fact you set them back so far that things are fairly safe is amazing, actually. The Kett are the only ones with a real space navy that can fight. The A.I. and Angarians only have shuttles and transports. The Kett should be parking picket fleets over the different main sites.
The spawns at locations spawn _with_ the Kett that appear at the camp/outposts. So no Kett would actually break them spawning correctly for the mission.
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