Forum Discussion
@Pyro411, Thats probably because they are too embarrassed. I don't blame them, I would be too if I released a piece of * like this but I still wouldn't go radio silent. Looks like they are taking a page out of Hello Games playbook.
@ketxxx wrote:
@Pyro411, Thats probably because they are too embarrassed. I don't blame them, I would be too if I released a piece of * like this but I still wouldn't go radio silent. Looks like they are taking a page out of Hello Games playbook.
Can't say I blame them for being embarrassed...
What I"m wondering though... is with these bugs are they directly related to
Frostbite 3 Engine bugs
Lack of experience with Frostbite 3 - The wiki page shows about 2 dozen games have been released using Frostbite 3 - so still quite new to the field.
Old habits dying hard - IE tricks & whatnot used in Unreal not working in Frostbite but still attempted to being used.
Rushed development on the engineering side of things.
- 8 years ago
@Pyro411, Frostbite 3 is actually a good engine, Battlefield 1 is made with Frostbite 3 and released in a considerably better state, issues here and there but nothing too drastic. Game looks far more impressive than ME:A as well. The argument some people have put forward on Frostbite 3 being a engine not really designed for a game like ME doesn't have much weight either IMO considering a good amount of elements in Battlefield 1 are done and handled in a similar way as in ME:A. The biggest enemy of ME:A is a dev team extremely inexperienced for the type of game ME is supposed to be at least, in which case the team (EA should of been doing this automatically anyway but...) should say they need some people specifically experienced in certain areas. Glaring example of this would be whoever did the scripting for ME:A, they clearly are not up to the task, were rushed, didn't have anyone to help them through the patches they weren't sure how to properly script, any number of reasons like that. It is good practice to have at least one person in each area of the dev team who knows exactly how to do things to help the less experienced dev team members along and learn but if EA deny such requests from the dev team, or don't make sure themselves such a structure is set up, thats when you get end results like you are seeing in ME:A.
@Corbain3986, I will add a MP bug list to the first post 🙂
@codemonkey05, nope, not this one. I'll get a SS of it later. The NPC with the bad texture is a generic character, you speak to him when releasing family members from cryo or whatever the dispute is that happens in Hydroponics.
- 8 years ago
All the bugs I've found in MEA (PC version):
Graphics & Animation:
- invisible Ryder in "Movie Night Quest"
- Cora & Peebee are merged in a cutscene on Khi Tasira
- When I talked to Kallo once on the tempest he was sitting in his chair, then all of a sudden he was standing atop of his chair
- when I ordered a drink at Vortex, the glass was missing once
- when I talked to Jaal on the Nexus once, Ryder's head was turned by 180 degrees
- at rare occassions, Ryder makes a strange grimace
- pathfinder weapons (Deluxe Edition) don't upgrade past level V
- when you craft a higher level Black Widow precision rifle, it sometimes seems to use a level I blueprint with low stats and therfore doesn't do enough damage in combat
- "Movie Night Quest" stops progressing automatically after I found Jaal's components. You don't get any email, notification or questmarker about the progression of the quest.
- ("Hunting the Archon") When you board the archon's ship, right at the beginning you have to kill all Kett to progress to the next part of the quest. However, although I killed all enemies, the radar still showed one enemy I couldn't see on the map itself. As I couldn't kill the invisible enemy, I couldn't progress and had to reload.
- On Kadara, I couldn't scan the Kett tracks at first and had to reload so I could progress this quest
- SAM keeps telling me I have new emails, although I don't have any new ones
- 8 years ago
@Ross42899, I'll add those bugs to the first post. I've seen those problems too but just plain forgot about them trying to remember the never ending list of bugs cataloging them all.
Added a new "animation & cut scene bugs" section to better categorise the bugs and break them down a bit more. With any luck everyone, we are getting to the end of all the bugs the game currently has and a patch to address a majority of the games problems at least will be available sooner rather than later. It is safe to say though that this game is so bugged its ruined the experience for almost everybody.
Do not underestimate how much damage this is going to do you EA, and Bioware.
- 8 years ago
ketxxx wrote:@CodeMonkey05, nope, not this one. I'll get a SS of it later. The NPC with the bad texture is a generic character, you speak to him when releasing family members from cryo or whatever the dispute is that happens in Hydroponics.
Is this the guy you're talking about?
- 8 years ago
@codemonkey05, Yeah thats the guy. If it is meant to be a tattoo its the worst I have ever seen. I've made textures for a good number of years now so if that isn't someone buggering up with the texture it really is just a awful place to put a tattoo. General texture rule I thought every texturer lived by is that you don't make tattoos with one side totally straight then place it down the center of a NPCs face or place it anywhere that can be perceived as where the texture wraps around the model because it creates the illusion of a seam and possibly highlights actual texture seams depending on how the texture is wrapped around the model. Depending on the quality of the model it can also highlight areas of the mesh that are less smooth due to a lower poly count. If that.. whatever it is, is intentional, it should be on the front of the NPCs shirt, or on the sleeve, or heck even shrink it down and place it down the cheek or something. You don't place it down the middle of a NPCs face. If you want to place a tattoo on a face fine, but don't do it like that its just... visually bad, shall we say.
I think the problem people have with the Remnant puzzles is that there is no variety at all with them and while most of them aren't hard they are a time sink. If people wanted to play Sudoku they would play Sudoku, they are playing Mass Effect though so understandably want to play Mass Effect not the Sudoku mini-game.
@Dutchoper72, do you have the latest drivers for your card and is anything overclocked in your system? If you are running any AV disable that too. Latest update of Avast for example seems to mess with a lot of things making them behave in a unusual manner.
@JeRabo81, MEA is messy, and its deservedly getting criticised for the state its in, but it is not yet beyond redemption. That depends on how much effort the devs put in to fix it and how sincere Bioware and EA are. A simple "We're sorry.. we won't do it again" is not good enough. Those are empty words that have been said before by other devs and publishers yet it keeps happening. Actions speak far louder than words. Bioware and EA must understand they have utterly ruined the experience for a majority of players by rushing something out that was absolutely not ready and have forever put a black stain next to something that was held in extremely high regard. Even ME3 with its endings, people could still say its a good game... just don't play the last 10 minutes.
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