Forum Discussion
I found some decisions about the level design and multiplayer rather annoying and hard to understand.
- placement of health and ammo / powercell crates in exploration zones is inconsitent. sometimes they are spammed all over the map, other times you can go for miles and not run into a single box. I even found a set of supply crates on a desolate plateau on Kadara, somewhere between the pod heads and the remote settlement. I can only guess this will be where the architect will show up? So far it has been worst on Kadara, where forward stations are WAYYY apart and no supplies inbetween. Either make ammunition management a part of your game, or don't. But don't go changing your mind about it on every other planet.
- not being able to manually save during priority missions. Just why? Thre is no real point to it, except of forcing the player to go with your poorly placed check points, so they will have to go back at least half an hour if they want to rethink a decision. This is not a problem in a game where traversing the level is the main goal. But in an RPG where conversations and other things impair the flow of events, this is fatal. Also, having this in environments where certain areas can kill in you in a matter of seconds only to throw you back to a loading screen without any real gameplay aspect to them, is just an attempt to * off players.
- save games capping without informing the player. Gladly I play on PC and I can manually wipe my savegame folder, but I always have to keep track on the timestamp to make sure the game actually saved. Either get rid of the limit (even current gen consoles have large enough memory to not need that) or at least inform the player that your game failed to save cause it reached an artificially established limit.
- I do get the monitary idea behind random loot crates, but come on. what elite special force would go with that? every task force would file a request to get the equipment they need, not what happens to have dropped off the cargo hold. Also, they would be supplied by their insitution, in this case, the Nexus Apex program. Soldiers do not have to buy the rifles they use on the field either. At least give us an alternative.
and here some bugs and issues (mostly MP, since SP has been summed up quite well already):
- joining Apex missions puts you in custom matches most of the time, with no mission selected.
- MP announcer tends to be mute if you join mid mission.
- your Apex character sometimes speaks with another's voice.
- sometimes Apex character taunts are overly loud and can be heard througout the entire map.
- heavy hitters with one shot kills can grab you through floors and walls. (honestly, giving an enemy the ability to oneshot you while there not being any indication of them approaching (screenshake, proximity alert) or a means to fight back, is a bad design choice)
- crappy pings
- voice chat does not work properly (bad encoding, lag, signal loss)
- lack of text chat (and no, origin IM does not count)
- push-to-talk does not respond since 1.05, no matter what button I bind it to. I guess that's why voice chat has become a lot more quiet ever since.
@ketxxx thanks ;D
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