Forum Discussion
@arthurh3535 first off I was the one who started the spawn discussion, and that was totally MY opinion on things, this thread has an OP which deals with ALL the BUGS we have found in the game, If anyone finds anything else @ketxxx edits the first post and adds it to the list, and he is doing a great job at it to.
Saying that, the discussion on the spawn issue was NEVER put out as a bug, just a conversation on what is going on with the game and how frustrating some things are.
If you think that ANY dev will be reading more than the OP you are delirious.
We are having conversations hear between ourselves and in no way are we putting out our own opinions as bugs, make a difference between what is in the opening post and what is a conversation between people on the forum.
Most of us played ME1-3 and can make out the HUGE differences between what we had and what we have now. this game is not called something else, this is supposed to be a continues part of the ME series, hence as loyal gamers to this franchise we can expect things to stay the same and actually we demand to get things they way they should be (storyboard included), that is what good gamers do.
If you were around for the ME2 release, you would probably remember the backlash BIOWARE got for changing the HUD and controls.
So yes we demand perfection from a game that is already 5 years in the making and is supposed to be continues to what we played before.
Take a look at Starcitizen for example, was supposed to be released in late 2012 and is still being developed after the CEO put out a question to all the backers of the game if they rather have a game which is half finished or if they want a full working game with ALL improvements (guess what the answer was) so people payed for a game in late 2010-2011 and are still waiting for the game to launch (beta is already working).
If you are trying to troll this thread or not, the issue here was and always will be the bugs in the game, the rest of the post can have discussions like in any other forum.
Yes there is a lot of negativity in this thread and rightly so because people payed 60$ or 60 Euro's for this game and it is completely buggy! @ketxxx gave you enough examples for bugs found.
It isn't good enough that you can play the main story, people want the FULL game to work, if you just play the main story of games that is your right, I like to get to 100% of the game. subtasks and side quests and everything related.
A developer that can't take criticism should not be a developer at all (I am a developer myself, trust me, I know what it is like. but I would NEVER in my life release such a program out to the public, this is embarrassing to say the least).
If you like the game good for you (so do I) but there is NO WAY you played ME 1-3 and can still say this game is good as it is today.
@arthurh3535, No, I was giving a example of how you make a busywork task more interesting and fun with a minimum of effort, as such showing just how little effort somebody actually put in to those busywork tasks. If the Bioware devs read this thread in it's entirety, and I hope they do as any dev that really cares would, hopefully will take the criticisms on board as that is how you grow and improve as a dev, hell as a person, and realise the criticisms are meant to be helpful, not derogatory. If you can't take criticisms as a dev, modder, programmer, whatever you may be, then you should not be in any line of work where such things are just part of it.
@nerdsrus45, Nope, not just you, I've had the same bug when going back to the Angara on the Nexus to complete that task.
@JayCally, Are those Xbox only or PC bugs as well? Some bugs are cross platform, but not all.