Forum Discussion
I agree with ketxxx on several points.
On the PS4 I've observed several similar bugs and can echo several of the listed concerns.
1) Invisible enemies. No, these are not cloaked assassins, or the cloaking animal beasties, but npc enemies which fall into a crack in the landscape or into a gap in a structure.
This happened on the mining planet to one enemy in the 2-part base. The sniper was knocked into a rock face and kept shooting us from inside the rock.
This happened on Eos, at that base location we cleared out for Barnes. One npc enemy was trapped inside the roof but kept shooting at us from there.
I kept spamming powers and attacking until he or she was dead, but gee THAT'S ANNOYING !
2) The Random Drunk by the Tempest landing pad is DISTURBING. Mostly because there's no reason for a drunk to be there without a dialog or quest attached to her.
Maybe if this was by the bar in Kadera I could accept it. What's her story Bioware ? Or is this a case of cryo freezer burn ? If that's the case she should be hospitalized.
3) Agree that there isn't enough variation among the animals on different planets. Same or very similar species appear.
4) Agree that Morda growling at Ryder doesn't convey much. Okay we just made a MAJOR AGREEMENT. Surely she could at least say, "We'll talk......LATER !"
Or how about. "Don't call me. I'll call you....if something comes up." THEN if we pester her some more she would growl. That I could accept.