Frosty Mod Engine "One or more symbolic links could not be created"
- 2 years ago
Some updates and comments after digging through the internet for ways of getting an EA app downloaded version of BF1942 to run on Windows 11 Home.
Found that I had to download, mentioned in this thread. Extracted the files and copied the following files to the BF1942 game directory (C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942).
D3D9.dllWhen game runs it no longer crashes (or black screens) at spawn and the options screens are correctly shown so options can be adjusted. One will see a dgVoodoo watermark in the lower right corner of the game screens that can be disabled by running the dgVoodooCpl.exe file included with the zip file and going to the DirectX tab and unchecking the watermark check box.
Still trying to deal with other Windows 11 issues, primarily with trackpad control and sticky key problems that require Windows 11 sticky key's to be disabled.
Would be nice if there was a better way to get this game to run on Windows 11 without having to use possibly questionable third party DLL's and having to manually disable Windows 11 features each time I want to run the game. Didn't have these game time issues with earlier versions of Windows (7 and 10).
Other game comments so they're all in one place. To skip the intro movie/credits run the game with "+restart 1" in the EA app View Properties > Advanced Launch Options field.
To fix display issues so it goes wide screen:
Adjust the "game.setGameDisplayModegamedisplaymode" in the Video.con file to match the screen display.
Example: game.setGameDisplayModegamedisplaymode 1920 1080 32 60
In my case I changed the file in two locations:
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\Profiles\Default\Video.con
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\Profiles\Custom\Video.conAnd change the FOV by adjusting the "renderer.fieldOfView" value in the file
Example (for 16:9): renderer.fieldOfView 1.33333
In my case I changed the file in two locations:
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\VideoDefault.con
C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\VideoDefault.conOne should right click on each of the changed files and set to them to "read only" to prevent the game from overwriting the files.\