@dominolabustier wrote:
Look, I don’t now what to tell you. I can’t think of a single game that wasn’t bug ridden at launch. There is the way it should be, and the way it is. But it is not the fault of patient people. I’m not the FTC, and I have no power to move this company faster or more efficiently, except to be one of FEW who actually stop giving them money.
A lot of people will complain like it’s a revolution but, in private, their already preparing to buy their next, potentially bugged game. What good does it do me to be the one guy who takes a stand amid an army of complainers who, when push comes to shove, never show up for the fight...? And before anyone gets upset, that is a general statement and not aimed at anyone here.
One of the best examples of being the odd man out is, Warhammer 40K. For all the crap I quit playing that game over, tons of customers, who complain, still spend tons of cash on Games Workshop. I heard these wannabe revolutionaries saying “no more” and a week later, there they are with their expensive Dark Angels. Guess who wasn’t playing...?
So, I can take a stand and say, no more money until things change or I can compromise. One of those choices, however, translates to no games for me to play except old ones. I’d rather play Mass Effect Legendary Edition with its present flaws, than play Wolfenstien 3D.
I wasn't expecting you specifically or anyone in this thread to fix it personally. And I don't mean any offense, but if you can't think of any games that wasn't bug ridden at launch, you're buying too many games from the wrong companies. I played Monster Hunter Rise on release and I didn't experience a single bug. I'm sure there were some if I actually combed the game for them, but none that were apparent enough to warrant any kind of attention. It was the same with Resident Evil: Village on Xbox One X. I was actually surprised at how well the game ran. Consistent 60 frames at 1080p and the game looks incredible. I can sit here and keep naming more games I've played on launch that weren't full of bugs. Again maybe some here and there, but not 'bug ridden.'
Nonetheless, it's good to hear that you're at least making an effort. I never expect perfect releases, but I expect the games to at least be fully enjoyable on day 1 and I only expect them to get better with every update. Not the other way around. I don't know if you read my first post in this thread, but this was the first EA title since Battlefield 1 that I bought on release and this nonsense happens.