4 years ago
Paramour 2 - Liara
I just finished Mass Effect 2 (Legendary Edition) on PS4 with an imported saved from Mass Effect 1. My Romance option in ME1 was Liara, so in ME2 I decided to rekindle the romance during the Lair of ...
Yes, like the other user wrote: Romancing Liara does not award the Paramour achievement in ME2 and will never award the Paramour achievement in LE:ME2.
Everybody interested in the Paramour achievement should take a look at this site, which lists all available options for all three games and which romance do award the Paramour achievement and which not: https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Romance
Since the Paramour achievement is tied to the "Cabin scene", which is only shown when you advance through the Omega 4 Relay, there is no way for getting the Paramour achievement post-game.
You can load an older savegame with 2 or 3 missions left before you advance through the Omega 4 relay and start a new romance or you can use save scumming.